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Do not read this unless you're But-It-Pours or Sophisticated-Writer or you're willing to read a McLennon fan fiction..

Love is addictive. He is addictive. I am addicted.

I always though that every life is precious but if God is trying to tell me anything it's that mine is a mistake.

My life is just misfortunate.

Mimi understood why it was that way but I, on the other hand, never did and probably never would. So I simple justifies it by sheer bad luck...

But in what Shakespearean universe does love Coke out as a result of bad luck?

And this isn't the love that you can pursue but is troubled and is deemed to fail in more misery. It's more like the love that enslaves you, torture you, stripes you from all forms of decency and expects you to wait for a never approaching moment where this impossible forbidden love to be given back to you by the one you love the most.

I've seen him, I've heard him every night, with a different girl, never the same one twice. How I wished I was one of them, even if I would only get to to be with him for one night, and even if he wouldn't remember anything. At least then I'd know he felt the same way. But I'm just a dreamer, aren't I? And if I learned anything from my life, it's that dreams- specially mine- never come true.

But I'm a slave; I'm bound to suffer. I'm bound to beg for my suffering, and I am. Because if I didn't I'd be numb;for I'm an addict to this suffering. I'm addicted to the pain. I'm addicted to his drug. I'm addicted to his love.

A/N: Hey guys, Merry Christmas Eve. So since I'm a master in turning short stories into novels why not do it to this one right.. Updates are hopefully going to be in weekends and I didn't bother to make a cover- I don't want anyone to read it anyway so why should I even bother to put a description and tags and all that stuff.. And btw if you dig deep into this you'll know some of the later events so just saying..   I'm amazing right? Enjoy your Christmas! Love, Em

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