Chapter 1

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Alison looked at her watch.

"Not much longer." she whispered to herself, feeling her excitement bubble. She took one last look around the room. She'd been cleaning and polishing for days and was impressed with the results. She gave Martha one last pat. "Daddy will be home soon." she told her, "Just don't leave fur everywhere PLEASE!"

The shaggy Old English Sheepdog looked up at her from her favourite spot in front of the fire but just closed her eyes again. Alison ran upstairs, had a quick shower, dressed then returned to the living room.

"What do you think Martha? Do you think Daddy will like this dress?" Alison smoothed the red dress over her hips. It was fitted and much shorter than she normally felt comfortable with but she knew how much Paul like short skirts. She looked at her watch once more then frowned. He said he'd be back by now. She sat down on a chair by the window and waited. And waited.

"Woof! WOOF, GRRRR Woof!"

"Get down you stupid dog! It's me!"

Alison awoke with a start. Running her fingers quickly through her hair she walked quickly to the hallway. There, on the floor being licked enthusiastically by Martha, was the person she had been waiting for. Paul. He looked up at her. She smiled nervously at him.

"Hi." she said softly.

He pushed the dog off him and stood up. "Hello. You still here then?"

She looked at him, puzzled by the comment.

"How are you?"

"Me? OK."

She waited, hoping he would say something nice. Nothing.

"Are you hungry? I could make you something."

"Nah. I ate on the plane."'

Alison nodded. Hoping he would compliment her on her clothes or the house. Nothing.

"I'm going for a lie down," he said suddenly, "I'm knackered."

"Shall I come with you?" she asked, smiling at him shyly.

His eyes lit up. "Why not?" He shrugged then, taking her by the hand he led her upstairs to the bedroom. He turned to her. She waited for his kiss. His touch. Nothing.

"Get undressed!" He turned his back on her.

Hesitating slightly, she looked at him. Puzzled and strangely scared. He turned and looked at her, his eyebrows raised in question. She did as he requested then, once naked, slid into the bed beside him.

His foreplay was brusque, their lovemaking perfunctory, Paul rolled from her and immediately fell asleep. Alison lay next to him, shocked, upset and bewildered by what had happend. She felt used. She remembered the passion they had shared for months before he'd left for the tour. Paul had always been so kind, so gentle, so affectionate, so loving!  What had happened to them? She felt tears prick her eyes.

She thought back to how they'd met. she had just turned eighteen, she'd had been working in a bar close to Abbey Road studios. Originally it had been a holiday job before starting university. The Beatles came in every so often. She'd spoken to each of them, got o know them. Paul had pursued her relentlessly. Finally she agreed to go out with him. He had treated her like a princess. He'd been romantic, caring and, when she had eventually agreed to sleep with him, her first time ever, gentle and loving. He persuaded her to give up her university dreams to be with him. For the last six months they'd been together. He'd even asked her to move in with him. She hoped the way he was now was simply because he was tired. She knew touring was hard and they had been apart for almost a month. She comforted herself that everything would be back to normal the next day.

The next morning Alison was in the kitchen when Paul appeared.

"Morning love." she smiled.

He nodded to her, "I'm off out."

"Paul!" She called him but the door slammed behind him.

She sat down and put her head in her hands. Tears began to flow.

She went to work, completed her shift then returned home. Paul wasn't back but somehow she hadn't expected him to be. She sat in the kitchen and waited for him.

Hours later, she heard the key in the door. Martha barked and she heard him talking to her fondly and making a fuss of her. He walked through to the kitchen.


He gave her a slight smile.

"Would you like a drink or something to eat Paul?"

"No. I'm OK."

He turned to leave the room.


He turned to look at her.

"Can we talk? Now? Please?"

"Sure." He returned to the room and sat facing her. "What's up?"

She looked at him. His soft brown eyes were colder. "You seem....different since you've come back from tour. Are you OK?"

"Me? I'm fine."

"Are we OK?"

"Not really."

She looked at him, her heart thumping. "Can I ask why?"

He shrugged. "No reason really. I just think that we should call it a day."

"You want to finish?" Tears threatened. "Why?"

"We've had a laugh Ali. A bit of fun. That's all it ever was you know. A bit of fun."

"You told me you loved me. "

"I liked you, you're a good laugh and stuff but love? They're just words you girls like to hear." he grinned at her, "We've both had a good time Ali. I never made any promises to you. Did I?"

"You said over and over that you loved me! I gave you everything Paul!"

"Yeah," he grinned suggestively, "and you've enjoyed what we've done. Think of it as Paul McCartney 'popped your cherry.' Millions of girls would have loved to be in your place!"

"So I meant nothing to you?"

He shrugged. "You were a nice diversion for a bit. John bet I couldn't bed you. But I decided I liked you so I've let you stay around a bit longer that's all ...."

 "I was a bet?"

He nodded.

You want me to leave? That's it? All over?"

"Pretty much."

She swallowed. "OK. It'll take me a few days to sort out somewhere to live. Is that OK?"

"Fine. I won't be here anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I met up with someone. I'm only back for some stuff. I'll be with her. I want you gone by end of the week. Got that?"

He stood up and walked away.

Two days later Alison closed the door of Cavendish Ave behind her. She then posted the keys back through the letter box. Carrying the last of her belongings she climbed into a taxi and gave him directions to her new home. She fought back the tears as the car pulled out of the driveway. She wanted to hate Paul for making her feel the way she did. It wasn't the heart break that made her feel so bad, although that had hurt. Finding out she had been a sexual conquest as a bet with John had been devastating. She imagined them laughing about her. Had Paul laughed about her lack of experience and her shyness?

Once she had unpacked her belongings and arranged them around her new flat, she made a cup of tea and went to bed. She wept into her pillow as she fell asleep.

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