Chapter nineteen

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I jolted awake and everyone was clapping for me. I took a huge breathe and smiled. I was done. I was done with training and I was done initiation.
Eric walked up to me and hugged me, pulling me back over to Four and Peter.
"You did amazing Lil" they congratulated me
"So what was my time?" I asked
"You won't find out until rankings" Four said "sorry kiddo"
I shrugged and sat down with Peter and waited for everyone else to finish.
Once they were done, we walked back to the pit and waited. When everyone was piled in, Max started to speak "initiates! Well done! You have finished training and completed all three stages." We all began to cheer and holler along with the other Dauntless members.
"Here are your final rankings!"
1. Lily- 7 minutes 23 seconds
2. Peter- 13 minutes
3. Tris- 13 minutes
4. Will- 13 minutes 26 seconds
5. Christina- 14 minutes 9 seconds
6. Molly- 14 minutes 53 seconds
7. James- 16 minutes 48 seconds

After James I stopped looking. I did it. I beat out everyone else. I was number one in my entire class!
"Hey Lily!" I heard someone snap behind me. And when I turned I was met with the palm of Tris's hand.
Did that bitch just hit me? Oh hell no.
"You only defended me because you wanted to do your moms dirty work for her! You're just as cruel as she is, you're a-"
That's it. I snapped and stepped toward her, swinging. My right hand connected to her jaw and I was still walking towards her as she fell to the floor.
I was pulled back with arms around my waist
"Don't you dare insult my mother!" I snapped trying to get out of the arms holding me. "You're just pissed cause I found you out! Wonder how your friends feel that you kept them out of the loop" I finished while smirking
I looked toward Christina and Will, they both looked upset and a little pissed. They walked off with you a single word.
"What is going on here!" Max barked "Tris, my office. NOW!"
"But sir,-"
"But nothing! I saw you attack another dauntless member first," he interrupted
He grabbed her wrist and dragged her off.
"Oh and Tris!" I called "if you ever lay your hands on me again, it'll be the last thing you do. And it's not a threat. It's a promise"

"Damn, Lil. You know how to hit" I heard someone whisper in my ear. That's when I realized it was Eric who was holding me.
"Crazy bitch" I snapped shrugging out of his grip
"Your mother would like to speak to you, now that the cat is out of the bag" Four spoke up with a smirk on his face
I nodded and followed him up to one of the offices. When I walked in she was sitting at the round table. Her head snapped up and when she saw me she had a small frown on her face.
"You know I don't think you're a disgrace right? And I am actually proud of you?" She began
"I know mom, it's just my fear. I'm afraid that I won't make you proud and I'll embarrass you."
"Hun, I'm so proud of you! You ranked number one in your class! You are doing great things here! How could I not be proud of you?"
All I did was shrug.
"So, find any others?" I asked trying to get off the subject of my fear landscape
"A few actually. Tris is already in Max's office and she'll be leaving with me. We're gonna run some tests"
"You know she's not gonna leave without a fight right?" I asked
"We know. That's why she is being sedated, and transported back"
I nodded my head in understanding.
"You will be choosing a leadership position won't you?" she asked
"Of course! You really think I worked my ass off that much to choose some low end job?" I laughed
"I must head out now, and head back to the office. Wanna start before she wakes up and realizes she isn't here in Dauntless." She said as she stood up, making her way to me, "make me proud, even more than I already am" she hugged me and made her way to Peter.
"Oh and boys," she called from the door "make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble or fights," she winked and walked out
"Too late for that" I mumbled and the guys all chuckled

"Um guys, could you give Lily and I minute?" Eric asked while clearing his throat
"Sure, meet you in the pit?" Four asked
Eric nodded and they both left.
I turned to Eric "what's going on?" I asked walking up to him grabbing his hand. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no. I just have a question." He cleared his throat "I was wondering, would you like to move in with me? I mean, you already sleep at mine every night"
I was shocked, I mean, yeah, I do sleep there but I wasn't expecting that.
"Uh, yes?" I finished more like a question
"I mean, yes!" I squealed
"Oh thank god, I thought you'd say no" he chuckled and walk over to hug me. "Let's go pack your stuff then"
"Actually can we get food? I'm hungry" I asked
He nodded and walked down the stairs with our hands intertwined.
Once we got there, I saw the guys. As I walked over Peter started to talk
"Dude, we get our apartments later tomorrow"
"Eric asked me to move in with him!" I squealed a little
"Well you basically live there now anyway" he chuckled
"That's very true!" I laughed
As I was about to grab my food when I felt a hand pull my hair, causing me to fall down.
"What the-" I couldn't even finish, a hand was slapped against my cheek. When I looked up I saw James.
Are you freaking kidding me?
From the corner of my eye I saw Peter there with Four and they were holding back Eric.
"It's something she has to do. He needs to learn a lesson and she'll teach him" I heard him say
I spit in James face and lifted my knee and hit him in the family jewels. He rolled off me and was groaning on the ground. I got up and looked down at him.
"You never get it do you?" I spit at him "you'll never beat me, and the fact that you keep trying is pathetic" by now he was on his feet
"I'm pathetic? Really? At least I didn't sleep with a trainer to rank first or have my mommy buy my way to the top" he hissed while getting in my face.
"Funny thing is, I didn't have to sleep with Eric in order to rank first. My "mommy" didn't buy my way in either. I did it cause of talent. I ranked first cause I trained my ass off, and because I didn't get distracted while trying to get with a girl who was way out of my league." I snapped.
He walked away only to turn back and swing, his fist connecting with my ribs. I didn't even flinch as I grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the throat.
I used my foot to go and kick him but he stopped it and held it. Bad move James, bad move. With that I jumped up and kicked him right in the face with my free foot, landing gracefully back on the ground.
He swung again and missed completely. I took this time to swipe his feet from under him and he landed hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him.
I stood over him and just shook my head.
"You're not even worth it," and with one final hit, he was out.
Four walked over to me and just smirked
"Two in one day? Damn Lily"
"You're such a badass" Tori laughed
Eric walked over to me and examined my face "are you okay?"
"I'm fine, he hits like a bitch anyway"
"How are your ribs?" Peter asked concerned
"Fine" I lied while shrugging
"So if I touched it" he said while pushing lightly "it wouldn't cause you to flinch"
As he said that I flinched
"You're a liar" he snapped
"I'll be fine, I swear" but before I could stop Eric he had lifted my shirt to look at them
"Jesus Lil, they look terrible," he whispered "you have to get that checked out" while grabbing my hand and dragging me off.

So, we meet again huh?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon