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Hinata walked hand-in-hand with Sasuke. Her boyfriend. They were going to their school.
"What are you thinking?"
Sasuke asked her.
"Nothing,nothing at all"
She was really thinking if Sasuke was cheating on her.
She heard him talk on the phone with a bunch of girls saying 'I love you' or he would sometimes sound like he was flirting.
Hinata always thought that it could be a family member,but what family member would sound flirty to one another?
Hinata heavily sighed as she tried to think of another thing.


They finally made it into their school.
Hinata got greeted by everyone.
She was pretty popular in her school.
Who would think that a shy,nice,friendly girl get popular?
Oh yeah,because of Sasuke.
The one who is really popular.
The only reason why Hinata is popular.
But though Sasuke loved the attention.
He was the only one who wanted attention.
"Hey Sasuke"
A pink haired girl winked and waved at him.
Hinata never got jealous because she knew sasuke only loved her.


"Can i be partners with Sasuke?"

"I want Sasuke!"

"Please pair me up with Sasuke!"

Girls fawned over sasuke. Alot.
"Girls,calm down! Sakura be partners with Sasuke!
Hinata be partners with Naruto!"
The teacher said.
Hinata loved being by naruto.
She didnt have a crush on him, but she loved him as a big brother who would always care about her.
Hinata happily smiled and went by naruto.
"Hey Hinata!"
Naruto greeted her as she walked up to him.
"Hey! So lets talk about the project! So we have to build a solar system?"
Naruto nodded.
Science was Hinata's favorite subject,naruto doesnt have a favorite subject.


Hinata followed naruto to his house,ready to do the project.
They quickly went to the store to get some of the stuff they were gonna use.
Naruto was kindly enough to grab the bags.


"Okay so i think the planets go like this Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,
Naruto nodded.

Hinata kindly smiled at him.

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