When he's jealous

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A/N: I am going to take a break from these scenarios after this chapter... I kinda lost my interest in Tokyo ghoul and so I am ending this for now ;-; Sorry guys! But omg 15k reads is pretty fucking rad tho!


You are sitting on a random bench in the park, waiting for Kaneki to go to the movies. The two of you thought it would be a good idea to get out and do something and you agreed to watch a movie! You look around for any signs of your boyfriend, but he's nowhere to be seen... "Hello, are you waiting for someone?" an unfamiliar voice asks and you turn to a man with short, golden hair and green eyes. He's very handsome, you must admit; but no one is more handsome than Kaneki! "yes, I am in fact waiting for someone" you reply with a smile playing on your lips "may I ask who?" The man asks and smile back, you wonder why he's still trying to start a conversation with you, but simply shrug it of and answer his question "my boyfriend, he must be caught up in some work for being as late as he is now" you check your watch and sigh "five minutes" you mumble and the man looks at you with worry "Hey, if he doesn't show up in ten minutes, then I'll take you out for some dinner! Does that sound okay to you?" The moment you are about to answer you hear Kaneki nearly growl "she's unfortunately with me! And we're going on a date as she is my girlfriend, and she and I have planned to go to this movie for a week now!" The man jumps slightly and choughs "I am awfully sorry, I thought she was stood up! I'll find my way out of here. It was nice to meet you" he apologizes and leaves, you turn to Kaneki with a simple smile on your features "there you are! Now let's go before we miss it!"


You're sitting in class with Hide whom is sitting a few seats away from you, when the teacher comes in. The teacher says that you had to find yourselves a partner. You smile and look towards Hide, but before you get to rise from your chair, this blonde kid with blue eyes sits next to you and wink at you "so, (y/n), wanna be my partner? I can do all the work if you want me to, if you know what I mean" you choke on some air and start coughing and reply between chokes/choughs "umh, I'm, ehem, sorry dude, but-cough-I was thinking of-" before you got to finish your sentence a familiar voice interrupts "she's with me, so you can go flirt with someone else" you look up to Hide and smile "Thank you" you whisper and the kid who was flirting with you was gone from your sight.


You and Ayato are walking around the mall when you notice that you have forgotten your wallet at your place. You simply tell Ayato about the situation and he nods and say "I'll go get it for you so I don't have to wait here for ever" you punch him lightly in the arm "at least I'm not slow in here" you say whilst pointing at your head and he lets out a sarcastic laugh. He kisses your cheek before walking away with his hands in his pockets as usual. You decide to take a break and end up going to a café in the mall where you order some coffee. It didn't take long before a guy takes a seat next to you and ask "so, you here alone?" You shake your head no and continue drinking your coffee "who are you with?" He asks and you turn to a tall dark-haired man with tan skin and green eyes "my boyfriend" you simply answer and put down the cup of coffee "may I buy you some pastries?" He asks and you sigh heavilly "No thank you, can you leave now?" You nearly growl at him and that asshole just chuckle and he lays an arm around your shoulder "aw, come on sweetie! Your boyfriend isn't here!" You glare at the man and open your mouth to say something "he is now" a familiar voice say and you look behind you and see a clearly pissed of Ayato. You smirk and look to the man, but he is nowhere to be seen...


You're sitting on the edge of a bridge, looking down at the ducks swimming underneath you and smile happily. You're waiting for Juuzou to come with some food for the little ducks when a guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes sits besides you "Hey, why are you sitting here? There a plenty of benches around" he says and you look to him with a questioning face "why do you even bother to ask me why?" You reply and he just chuckles "well, how was I supposed to start a conversation with such a beautiful girl?" You snort at his pathetic attempt to flirt with you "that was cheesy wasn't it?" You nod and move slightly away from him only for him to move closer than he already was "I don't want to seem rude, actually; yes I am, fuck off asshat" you growl and he just frown "c'mon babe, I'll but you some pastries!" He coos and just as you're about to answer, the guy is pushed down and into the lake underneath and you look up to an angry Juuzou "ne, he's lucky we're at a public place, or I would have cut him into little piece-" you quickly shut him up by pecking his lips and take his hand "aw, c'mon Juu! Let's just go have some fun!!" You say using his new nickname and drag him off the bridge.

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