Zheng Lan

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Dynasty Warriors OC, if you haven't played this, YOU NEED TO!!

🌜 Open RP 🌛

Vegeta sat at the long table, surrounded by children around the ages 5 to 6, eating ice cream cake. It was his younger brother, Tarble's birthday and he was at Chuck E. Cheese's to hold the party. He had already played all the games, winning most of them and earning a large teddy bear, which sat next to him. He noticed an unfamiliar child run to play with the kids. He could tell that the child didn't know Tarble because he usually met all of his friends. The kid ran up to him, making grabby hands at the bear next to him. Along with the child followed an older person, possibly their older sibling.
"H-hello..." He greeted awkwardly, giving a soft smile to the child who was playing with the large bear and looking to the other person. "Is this your sibling?" He asked, only trying to make conversation so the situation wasn't so awkward.
Zheng Lan is Zhang He's star student. He's trained by Zhang He and has learned to use the same weapon as him, claws, and many others. Zheng Lan is constantly reminded my his mentor to "Be graceful and swift."

Zheng Lan is a kind person. He has tan skin and soft, forest green eyes. He has long dark brown hair that reaches down to the middle of his back, which is usually held up in a high ponytail during battle. He's devoted to impressing his mentor, wanting to go above his expectations.
Some of his hobbies include drawing, singing, and playing with kittens. He owns a brown and white cat named Coffee. He brings her along to meetings occasionally and will sometimes be found sleeping on Lan's head. His goals are to someday have his own kingdom.

Open for RP! Message me if you are interested!

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