The Baby Bomb *Introduction*

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Hello all! This is my newest story, I've had this idea for a long time, but I sort of forgot about it until a few days ago. This story is kind of a teenage pregnancy, but it takes place waaaaay in the future, so don't worry it's not one of those sterotypical the guy gets the girl pregnant, he leaves, then girl has to raise baby on her own. IT'S NOT LIKE THAT. So please give it a try(:

This is the introduction.

Here we go(:


"…And the early Americans would drive in what they called ‘cars’ and go pick up their food at what some people called a ‘grocery store’. They would have most foods set out and you would buy them,” The speaker told us in a very monotone voice. My parents sent me to regular school, even though more than eighty percent of the population of teens (which wasn’t very much) learned at home through a learning helmet. Whatever.

     I feel bad for those early Americans, they had nothing. Cars? No, now we had teleportation pads, there was at least one in every household.  All you did was tell it where you wanted to go, and you’d arrive there in about thirty seconds. And whatever a grocery store is, that must have sucked, now all we have to do is tell our oven or microwave what to cook, and it does everything for us.

     Enough about that, I’m Laelia Clavell, a name that the entire world knows. That’s because I was the last baby born in the world. Back in 2361, the government banned all couples from getting pregnant. The world was too populated. Not only that, but almost every pregnancy there ended up being more than one baby. That was because couples only wanted to get pregnant once, but wanted four or five kids. Ninety-five percent of pregnancies within the last eighty years or so ended up being multiple babies. My mother is one of five babies born at a time, and my father is a triplet.

     Then, there’s me. I was a single baby, which is almost unheard of. I had a boyfriend, his name is Xavier Monty, and he’s seventeen. I met him at school, because his parents insisted he go to school as well. He graduated last year, because us students are forced to graduate and get a job at the age of sixteen, which means this is my last year in school. It costs too much money for each student to go to school until the age of eighteen and then onto college afterwards. No one in my family went to college, except my great-great grandmother. She’s one-hundred-ten, and she said she loved it. I want to go to college, but there are no more.

     Anyways, back to my ex-boyfriend. Xavier is an amazing guy with dark brown hair that’s always perfectly in place. It swipes against his forehead and covers up his right eye. I have a secret that no one else except for my family knows. I am four weeks pregnant with Xavier's baby. I am the only pregnant women on the face of this earth, and if anyone finds out, I and my baby will be killed.

     I do not have a bump where the baby grows, but I know it’s there. I have ten more months to decide what to do and make a plan for my baby. The average pregnancy time is eleven months, because of the way women’s body process nowadays. The baby grows slower, but will become more developed. I’ve been told pregnancy used to only last nine months, but this changed about two-hundred years ago, when a baby was born under-developed. Doctors rushed to figure out the only way to make sure babies were born perfectly, was for pregnancy to be prolonged.

     That’s another thing, not only has pregnancy time been extended, but babies born with a disability or seem to be ‘different’ in anyway will be taken away and killed right after birth. The government says it’s because they take up room in the world, room that we don’t have. I believe this whole thing is cruel. The poor child can’t help it, but if you tried to stand up against the government, you’d only be killed.

     No one can find out about me having a baby. If anyone finds out about my baby, I will be killed. My baby and I both. I already decided I would not let this happen, I would hide throughout my pregnancy, and once my child is born, Xavier, the baby, and I will run away and make a place of our own away from everyone else. Maybe this place, will allow my child and I to live in peace. All I can do is hope for a change in the law.


I'm sorry if the part about the government killing babies with disabilites hurt anyone, it wasn't meant to be like that. I have an idea that will come into effect soon, but I needed to include that part in order for it to be interesting. SO DON'T TELL ME HOW MEAN THAT WAS. I know, I think it's cruel, but it adds excitement and suspense.

I hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to comment and vote (: Thanks for reading <3

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