Chapter three.

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chapter 3: Fluctuation.

Jody's POV

"I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS PLOTLINE. IT'S NOT EVEN THAT GOOD! WHAT WILL NAR THINK? THIS IS SO MESSED UP!" I yelled at the pocket mirror. A different Jody looked back at me with a twisted face. "I don't know.. It is kinda weird. I am sure she will still like it?" she offered. "THIS SCRIPT. SUCKS." I screech back, as the other one flinches. "UGH. THIS BETTER GET GOOD FAST OR I WILL DO MORE THEN JUST BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!" I yell, slamming the mirror against the floor and getting a satisfying crunch as my foot makes contact. "3000% DONE." I yell in frustration, throwing my hands in the air and walking to the next scene.

Not original dimension's POV

In a nearby dimension, completely the same as the one the story has taken place in so far, minus the fact that they are not trying to kill each other, Jody and Nar sit together looking at a small screen, showing the recent events that the story told previously. Jody scowled at Nar venomously. "See what you did? Gosh Nar, no wonder our universe is on the brink of death! You caused us to go into all out war that basically ended it!" I yelled at her. She frowned, then it turned into a ferocious snarl. "Are you kidding me? This was all YOUR fault!" She shrieked. "You pushed me. Off. A. Ship! And more than less, it was off a ship into the darkest planet ever discovered! It was a wasteland of nothing down there! Oh, sorry, I mean it was your destroyed homeland!" she yelled back in defense. I inhaled a large gulp of air, about to make another retort but caught myself, and slowly breathed out, trying to calm down. "Honestly, that is not even important right now." I say, trying to make a slight peace. She muttered something under her breath, then grudgingly shrugged. "We just need to go into that dimension, and do something about it." I explained, standing up as the floor starts to rumble. Nar seemed nervous, but nodded carefully. "And quick.." I add. It took a lot not to laugh at the fact that the Jody in the other dimension pushed Nar off a ship into the darkest planet ever. Jody wished she had done that in this one to.

"I feel nostalgic back in this hunk of crap." I say, entering the dusty control room of the old super ship that neither of us had been in for a number of years. Nar nodded in agreement, and flopped into the chair next to mine as I brushed dust off the controls and examined them. "Such old technology." I said, disgusted, as I sniffed at the older tech. Nar just nodded again, and continued looking around, blinking. She smiled slightly, looking at me then turning away. "It's pretty cool though.. I mean, we destroyed our own universe and a few others, just trying to kill each other." She said, not facing me. I frowned. "It's not.. it's not 'cool' Nar. So many people died... That's the whole reason we're going back before it happened and into their dimension. We know they... er.. us? we are? They are? I don't know. They are going to just end up killing ourselves and others if someone doesn't stop them." I snap. Nar didn't say anything for a moment, before shrugging. "It would only have been humans that died..." She murmured. I looked at her and scowled. "No. It would have been entire dimensions collapsing on top of each other. Everything gone. It's not imaginable!" I say with a serious tone, trying to break through to her. Her eyes seemed glazed, and I only got a short smile mixed with an unknown expression. "Jody. We almost destroyed tons of dimensions! Come on! That's so cool!" she said excitedly, beaming at me. I cracked up a bit at her crazy antics, then clucked my tongue and got the ship started. "Maybe there aren't that many differences between you and the other Nar... But there is some." I sigh, and the ship sputters to life, and starts to hover. "Your right, this is nostalgic." Nar confirms, still smiling at me with her feet up and resting on the control panel. I roll my eyes.

Original dimension with original Nar and Jody,

Nars POV

So, I now knew what my extra advantage was from option one of Erebus's deal. I could take others power, or more like, I could temporarily make it so I could use them at least. I had taken a small piece of Teresa's ability to bend light, and by accident put the whole room I was in into darkness, trying to make it bright again I succeeded five minutes later, making it so bright it burned our eyes through our eyelids almost, until Teresa realized her attempts at teaching me the way to do it properly was in vain. After a bit of testing, I found out I could keep the power from any amount of time technically, I just can't use it much, and it would slowly get weaker the longer I held on to it. We were preparing for war. Once I had reached the armada, I told them my plan. On the longish journey to the small planet outside of Andromeda where the Armada was, considering I had to travel ALL the way back there from earth, hence Erebus's deal, I had a lot of time to think. Jody had made the first move. She would be a fool to think me gone that easy, but I could admit she wasn't 100% an idiot.. but almost. She is human, after all, despite her always saying she was a necromancer, there really was no proof. The only thing Nar was even slightly worried about was the Satanic rings.. Being bound to anyone to the point you would have to die for them is a destructive way to live. An idiotic, humanish way to live. All Jody had to do was make two people put on the rings, and that was it. You would be bound to them, with currently no known way out of it. Emotions would change, infact everything would change. It was a weapon of mass destruction! Nar would definitely rather cut off her own hand before she got a ring put on it, and she was subjected to 'love'. Even the word, all humanish and revolting, didn't roll off her tongue very well, making a clunky noise. Shaking these thoughts from her head, considering the rings haven't even worked for the many years it's been since Nar and Jody stopped travelling around to get to Andromeda all those years ago, she knew she shouldn't worry herself about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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