Chapter two.

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oh my god my sleeves are going to annoy me this whole chapter aren't they...Ugh they keep falling down to my hands and tripping me up UGH STOP IT SWEATER- Okay well now the sweater is across the room. Great.

CHAPTER TWO SERIES 2: Deals. Warning: intense :>

"So... Basically we're going to completely disregard the last chapter?" Nar said, head poked through the airlock into the control room in which I sat, furiously typing as the ship was going through an asteroid pocket currently. I sighed, "I already explained to you yes. It just ended with me finding Turg 2 in the control room, extremely injured. I go to help her up, she starts standing but trips, just like last time she rejected my hand, falls in, blah blah blah, and we have no idea why she is alive, or how she got there. Very confusing, I know. Also makes no sense since we saw her ghost and..." I rambled on, only stopping as I hear the airlock close, and frown. I wonder what Nar's act of evil will be this series... I already know something must be going to happen... I wonder why I am still here trying to help her... Whatever, that's a plot hole for a different day!

Nar seemed to be in one of her good moods. That is probably not a good thing though, mostly because of her oddly twisted sense of what is 'good'. I sighed, quite relieved as we made it past the small, clustered asteroid patches, and into a clear spaceway. Leaning back in my chair a moment, I closed my eyes and thought for myself. Why was Nar asking me to help her? We both knew she couldn't fly the ship very well, but she clearly didn't need me of all people to help her. There simply must be another motive of hers. There simply must be. I got up, and pushed my hair behind my shoulders before turning on my heels and heading to the main room.

Nar was sitting in the corner on the ground, in a slightly darker corner away from the other two doors, despite there being two couches. I frowned. She was quickly shuffling between papers, seeming to be briefly scanning a large stack. I went on my tippy toes, trying to get a look, but could only make out what looked like blueprints, and large paragraphs with small small text, far beyond my vision. I saw Nar stiffen, and felt an overwhelming urge to not let her know I had even seen the papers, so I quietly pushed back through the airlock, not a moment before she stood up quickly, seeming alarmed. Whipping her head towards the door, she strode over towards it. I tried not to yelp as I lunged towards my chair. She opened the airlock just as I sat down. 'Thank god...' I thought, before feeling the imbalance as my butt hit the ground, the chair swooping out from under me. "Ouch!" I said, scowling at myself, and standing up while brushing myself off. "What were you doing?" Nar snapped, ignoring what just happened. I looked at her, then quickly turned away, gathering fallen papers, before standing up. "Nothing?" I say, a confused undertone staining my voice, as I stacked the papers with my back turned to her. I was pretty nervous, but for once Nar let it brush off. "This new series sucks so far." She says, whining slightly as she pushed back once again into the main room, and casually plops on one of the sofa's. I follow quickly, glad for the distraction and tentatively sit across from her. "Were only two months into the school year, there isn't very much to work off of." I offer, earning an eye roll. I sat back, heaving a dramatic sigh. "I think this series is probably going to be less about jokes near the beginning... More plot building, more actual book like." I try again. "I don't know if I like it either."

"Nar, it's dinner!" I screech, over the sound of blaring electro music. "What?!" she yelled back. I opened the door from the makeshift dining room of the ship, and my ears were almost blown off as the music harassed them. "I SAID-" I start screeching, the music cuts off. "ITS DINNER!" I say loudly. "Gosh, you don't have to yell Jody. I have a headache." she grumbles, pushing me aside. "I can't even.. like.. what...?" I stammer, before folding my arms and shaking my head, following her forward. "You know, I don't hear you say my name to me often." I recall, a finger to my chin as I sit down. Nar looks distastefully at the space food. "I like space food ice cream, not whatever crap this is." She growls, grabbing the plate. "Well you can't eat icecream for every meal of the day, more than less for dinner..." I add, looking at her. "Actually, I can do whatever I want. You silly humans, you think you can tell me what I can do!" She said, with a venomous chuckle. I scowled, and the gesture was returned. Nar picked up her plate and walked away. "Silly, silly humans.." she sighed, hardly even a mutter but clearly meant for me to hear. "I'm a necromancer." I say with disdain, the only reply a snort, as Nar shuffled away. I looked at my own food, and didn't think I could stomach it either, picking up my plate and putting it in the fridge.

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