My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides Fan Fic)

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I sighed in boredom, This tour bus gets really boring if you hardly talk to anyone. Yes, I said tour bus. I'm touring with My Satellite at the moment. I'm not even a member of the band. I'm just really close friends with Sammi. Not kidding. We've been best friends since diapers, so we're pretty much family, and everywhere she goes I go. It's just too boring without her. I don't even talk to the other members, and they've never made a move to talk to me.

I'm not much of a talker if I don't know you. But normally, I pretty much don't shut up. Sammi is on the phone talking to Jinxx. Or Jeremy, his real name. They try and talk on the phone as much as possible. But we're on totally different tours, so it's pretty hard. I'm not complaining or anything, I mean, the two recently got ENGAGED. I have no reason not to be happy for the two of them.

Sometimes I wish I was on tour with Black Veil Brides. For one, they're my favorite band, and second, I'm pretty close to all the other guys. I was starstruck at first, but they treated me as if they'd known me for ages. And I loved it. They're all so nice, and include me in everything. Never a dull moment there...

I sighed again, and ran a hand through my hair, and sunk deeper in my seat on the couch. I would be texting, but my phone died, and it's charging. If I'm right, I think it's about five in the morning. I hardly sleep. Why? Cause I don't dream. And I would really like to dream... Sound stupid? Yeah, you're not alone. The other guys in the bus were talking amongst themselves... And then Sammi emerged from I don't know where.

“Hey!” She said plopping down next to me, smiling.

I couldn't help but smile back, “Hey. How's Jinxx?”

“He's great. We're both tired. Hey I have a really random question for you.”

I nodded slowly, “Suuure...”

“How would you feel if you toured with the guys instead of with me?”

I thought it over. It'd be absolutely wonderful, but I wouldn't feel right leaving Sammi... I love the guys and all, but Sammi is my best friend since birth... And I'd be kinda weird just up and changing tours...

I snapped out of my train of thought, to see Sammi looking expectantly at me. “Uh, I think it'd be awesome, but I wouldn't feel right about leaving you. And up and leaving with another band..” I said

She nodded, “Oh yeah, the guys say hey.” She said, yawning

I nodded, and yawned too. I swear yawns are contagious... Maybe I could sleep... Wouldn't hurt... “Oh yeah,” Sammi said

I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “We're going to be stopping at a restaurant tomorrow with the guys.”

“What about these guys?” I asked pointing to some random member.

“They already know, they're cool with it”

I nodded, “Night..” I said

Sammi nodded, and I walked off to my bunk. I had already showered, changed into my pajamas (Tank top, and boy shorts), and brushed my teeth. I got myself under the covers, closed my eyes, and fell asleep in an instant.

My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides/ My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now