Beanboozled Challenge

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Okay so there is this thing called the Beanboozled Challenge, and I'm not explaining what is is so hopefully you know, and if not, search it up.

But anyway, my brother and his friend Jesse and my friend Skye did it. Jesse's little sister had the jelly beans with her this morning and she did that challenge with her friends as well, which caused the bus to smell like skunk, it was disgusting.😕

My cousins also did it as well, and one of them threw up in a trash can, it was funny. Btw, it didn't show her throwing up, I promise. But if you wanna watch it, the video will be up above/on the side or just go on YouTube and search up brookemxrie beanboozled or try brookesbeauty06 beanboozled.

Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys about it :)

•Hemmings_4eva xx

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