Random Thoughts of Yours Truly

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**This is in no way shape or form scientifically true. Simply my own thinking**

The human mind is full of thought. We think, we imagine, we create, we interact with one another. It is impossible for us to go one second without thinking. We think from the moment we are born to our very last breath. Where do all our thoughts go? Our brain can never seem to hold all of our thoughts. It goes through and rejects the thoughts it find useless to us, causing us to forget things. But we still retain quite a bit of thoughts. At the end if the day, our minds are so full that they have to let go of all our thoughts. It must be a tiring process because our mind seems to purge our thoughts most when we sleep. We call it dreaming. Our mind releases thought after thought. We watch our thoughts play before our eyes as they exit our mind. Once we wake up, our mind is ready for all the new thoughts the day will bring.

Some people naturally think more than others. This doesn't make them any smarter, it just simply means their minds have more thoughts to empty. These people seem to be more forgetful. Maybe because their minds will release any thoughts they can to make room for all the new ones. Sometimes, their minds get so full, they have to purge the thoughts while the person is still awake. Daydreams. They slip into a dream like trance. One look in their eyes and you can tell that they are somewhere else inside their head.

Again, this isn't scientifically true at all. Dreams are complicated things which we will probably never fully understand. This is just my way of defining it and my way of explaining them. Welcome to my mind of strange and weird.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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