Untitled Part 1

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Naked, Exposed,Virgin, Essence, Rivered in the water as I showered in

somber thought. I could not think. I was a zombie to the bathroom. My breathing stopped, as did

my heart. Water continued to rain on me. Water pistols drizzled on the back of my neck. I

leaned over, hands on the shower wall.

My body wet, legs dripping, ankles steaming and the mist shading my secrets.

Breath wavered as thoughts were provoked by a nuisance. The love nuisance. An irritant.

It wasn't suppose to infect me. I was to be immune. I caught it once already. Never again.

Why did I? I...

Can't, Hold, On, Old, Sensual, Emotions



My body language, in anguish and despair. My mind distraught and trapped. I knew what

I was in... I was in too deep. I could not escape. I found her, but I could not have her.

Why was she so close but yet so far... So near but out of reach. I could only touch her

face in thought. I could only kiss her lips in mind. I could hold her hips close to mine but only in

my imagination.

I knew she was the one. She knew. I was in too deep. I had no way out. I, committed to a

promise, to a friend and to another women. I, committed to my word and bond.

I promised to care for her; the other women in my life. She needed me more. I promised.

A mistake; I hope not. I have always been there for her. She was always there for me.

Palms spread across the square patterns of the shower walls. The walls square, trapped

within each other in an eternal bond. The wall too made a promise to stick together. I wonder if

the wall ever regretted its promise.

My fingers perspired from the steam and heat of the sauna bath. Little droplets strolled

down the walls outlining my hands. My once dry ashy hands were at that moment shiny and

moist. My brown skin glistened in the shower; milk chocolate butter.

Strolling down my arms from the water drips, a trail of water made its way down my arm

rested above my head, as my forehead pressed up against the wall underneath. I was still

thinking; in a trance. Water seeped along my veins as they made a trail. Exercise from athletics

chiseled my body. Aqua rallied down the elbow of my arm, to my armpit. Slowly it made its way

down to the pecks, and down my abs.

Steam and mist placed a cloudy sheet over my feet, making it hard to track my steps. It

was alright, I had nowhere to go. It was just me, naked in the shower... alone.

My opened palm, gently turned into a balled fist, pressed sideways on the wall, as my

body still arched forward on the wall. Hot water still beamed on the back of my neck. I had

nowhere to be. I just waited in the shower for something to make sense in my head. The only

thing that felt right was the temperature.

I didn't know if what I was doing was right. Steaming and hot, I continued to stand under

the showerhead.

My body wet, legs dripping, ankles steaming and the mist shading my secrets.

I was hot, body softening. The steam made my milk chocolate skin smoother. The water

beat on my body like a masseuse. The warmth soothed me.

Choosing love, was not always the plan. I felt that love chose you. You never really plan

too just fall in love. But once you do, you will never be the same. You find yourself hooked to

bate. Life a great angler catches you on its fishing line and dangles you, entrapped by love.

I made a promise. I cannot break that promise. I am a man of my word. But can I keep it.

My word is all I have, but I never knew love like this.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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