Welcome to the Family

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I've been wanting something like this for a long time. It's cute, it's adorable, and I like it. Not because I wrote it, though that does help. :P Moving on, a friend helped me with this. They came up with the name of the special guest in this one-shot and helped come up with the circumstances. I can't say their name, but they know who they are. ;) You're awesome! Now, enjoy this fluffy one-shot! Bye!

Updated 29/12/2021: light editing


Barry was headed to S.T.A.R. Labs. They'd closed up a case at the police station with his assistance no longer needed, he'd been dismissed. This left him with some free time that he'd chosen to spend with his friends. That, and Cisco had made some new machine of sorts that would help the speedster train and desperately wanted to try it out. So after stopping by Jitters to grab a coffee, that's where Barry was headed. He walked there for once, deciding not to rush towards whatever machine Cisco had that would beat him up. It was a good thing he did, otherwise he never would've found something he'd have otherwise missed.

Hearing a clang, Barry paused and looked around. He was standing next to an alley, where he guessed the sound had come from. Seeing a trashcan on the ground, he guessed that was what he'd heard and went to continue on his way, but stopped he heard rustling. There was no wind. So, why...? Cautiously, he ventured into the alley, fully aware that this was probably a very stupid idea. He could imagine the conversation he'd end up having with Joe. "It's not my fault I got mugged! A trashcan fell over, so I went to check it out." Like a true idiot. Of course, if someone did attempt to mug him, he knew he could get away with his speed, but still. He could imagine the disapproving look on his foster father's face.

The papers and junk in the garbage moved, but stopped as Barry got closer. A quiet whining sound reached his ears. At first, he thought it could have been his imagination, but quickly decided it wasn't when he saw a pair of eyes looking out at him.

A cat, maybe? Rat? Squirrel? Barry silently ran through the possibilities of what he could be looking at. He really didn't want to be attacked a rogue squirrel. The whining stopped. Barry stayed where he was, locked in a silent staring contest with whatever animal was hiding in the trash. It blinked and shifted, some of the garbage moving and revealing a tail and a short snout. A tail that did not belong to a squirrel, he noted quickly. And that nose was did not belong to a cat. Before he could approach it, the animal bolted down the alley.

It wouldn't have been so shocking if it hadn't taken off at superspeed.

Shocked, Barry stumbled back with the gust of wind the animal left behind. Regaining his balance, he blinked and looked after where the animal had gone. It had stopped halfway down the alley and was now laying on the ground. The sight was enough to make Barry snap out of it.

He jogged forwards, slowing as he neared the animal. Now that he was closer and it wasn't hidden by anything, he saw that it was a small, tan colored dog. "Hey, buddy," Barry said softly, as to not startle or scare it. He knelt down a few feet away, so he didn't seem as intimidating. He frowned slightly as he looked at the animal and was able to see its ribs well enough to count them. "Looks like you're not in the best shape, huh?" He murmured, taking in its dirty fur. Seeing a collar that seemed too large for the animal hanging around its neck, he squinted at the tags, but couldn't make out what was written on them.

The dog watched him tiredly, but didn't attempt to run yet. Barry set his coffee down on the ground beside him, then slowly reached a hand out to the dog, who shied away and growled. He pulled his hand back. "Hey, it's okay," he told the animal gently. Getting an idea, he vibrated his hand, making it a moving blur. "I'm like you, see? You're pretty quick. Same here."

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