School's Canceled

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"Ve~ Look at how much snow's outside! I doubt we have school today!" Feliciano exclaimed, looking out his bedroom window, He quickly turned on the TV to see if school was canceled. Slowly the names of multiple schools passed the bottom of the screen. School, after school, after school, until he saw Hetalia High. Feli jumped up and down in excitement. "Now I can see Kiku! We'll go ice-skating, and have a snowball fight! Then we could play in the snow!" Happily, Feliciano pulled out his phone.

Kiku, come over so we can play in the snow. School's canceled!!

He quickly got his snow stuff on as he waited for Kiku to come. Feli and Kiku have been best friends for years. Every time a snow-day was called, they got together to hangout in the snow all day. Sometimes they even stayed inside watching anime.


Oh, Kiku texted back! Feliciano looked at his phone.

I’m outside, Come on

Feli jumped up and ran to the door. "Ciao Kiku! What are we doing today?"
"Hello Feli-kun. I was thinking we go to the park to ice-skate if you would time that..." Feli just smiled and nodded frantically. He and Kiku would have so much fun today, and he knew it! Today was the day he would tell Kiku that he was in love with him. Feliciano had the whole thing planned out.

A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Shall we go?" Kiku asked, smiling slightly. "Of course. Lead the way!"

They arrived at the park soon afterwards. A smile plastered on Feli's face. "Kiku, did you bring your skates?" "Hai, let's get our skates on." They sat on a bench and put on there skates. As Feliciano looked around, he saw happy couples and friends all skating together. As soon as they finished putting their skates on, they joined the other groups of people.

"Look Feli." Kiku said, pointing to a young couple. Feli made out the first figure as a short male with blonde hair and... thick eyebrows. The other male was tall, had short sandy-blonde hair, and a cowlick right in the front of his head. "Ve~ it's Arthur and Alfred! They came skating too? Wow!" "Hai. Alfred-kun! Arthur-kun! Hello!" Kiku called to them. "Yo, hey Keeks! C'mon Arthur, let's go over with them!" The couple came over to Feli and Kiku, skating and holding hands. Arthur was blushing slightly.

Once they got over to the other two, Arthur greeted them. '"Hello Kiku, Feliciano, how are you
two?" "I am fine Arthur-san, thank you for asking." Kiku replied. "Ve~ I'm wonderful! Grazi!" Feli swirled around on his skates but stopped when he heard a crack. "W-what was that?" He asked timidly. "I think the ice cracked..." Arthur replied.
"W-well let's get off the ice..."
"Good idea."

Right before they were off the ice, Feli heard a large crack. He quickly tried to get off but then he fell straight into the ice cold water. "FELICIANO-KUN" Kiku called, trying to grab him, but it was too late...

A/N: Hey guys! Yumi here! I would like to thank casbutt_hetalian for letting me continue her story. I really appreciate it. I am sorry for taking so long to post this, I've been quite busy and I hope to start posting more often. So yes I'm alive, and I'm back. Hope you guys like this.

            - Yumi-san

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