Twisted Love

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Jane pov
I have have to go talk to jeff as I walk down the stairs I noticed the walls were peeling a bit and there was blood. I had saw jeffrey at the table just sitting there me and jeff had been together for two almost three months "jeff I have a stupid question" I ask him "yeah what's up?" " umm I wanted umm to know if you would like to hav.... um SEX with me." I had said so weirdly "YES I WOULD!!" he had shouted to me " opps sorry I did not mean to yell.

(The day was going on we kept blushing at each other until we called it quits)

Narrators pov

So then jeff had launched him self at Jane and had picked her up from her ass and carried her on his waste still kissing. then jeff nicely lied her down on the table stopped kissing to rip Janes cloths off and his and then he carried her upstairs as she was begging to start with puppy eyes and jeff just rubbed her and she would start behaving and twitching. they got to the room and jeff tossed her in the bed and he jumped over top of her and the lifted her legs then spilt they in both directions and he entered her. as Jane started to moan jeff started to go harder then harder .
(Five hour later)
Jeff had gotten tired and hoped for more but he gotten to tired. a day later jane was hurting her stomach was hurting bad " jeffrey my stomach it hurts" she had said with a crying voice and then jeff went to the store and bought a pregnecy test .

To Be Contiuned .... and is Jane pregnet or not?????

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