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Your POV

"Eeeeeeeeeeeep YAY Y/N WE'RE HERE!!" Dinah was jumping up and down her seat I thought it was going to fall off.

Sigh. I look oh the window and see a bunch of girls in a huge crowd. Some were crying, some were tweeting non stop, some were noticeably impatient, some were holding up gigantic posters, and some were full on passed out.

I looked back and noticed Dinah was not in the car anymore. She left already? Without me?
I groaned and open the door and went out.

Dinah yanked me on the arm.
"come on y/n! We can't be the last ones in line!!!"

I groaned again. This is going to be a longg night.

Camila's POV

"CAMILA GET UR CUBAN ASS OVER HERE!" Normani yelled across the hall.

We were going to be on in like 20 minutes and I can't find my banana socks!

"OKAY HOLD ON A SEC" sighh I just wanna see our fans. That would lighten up my mood.

"Camila sweetie hurry up please" ally's head popped out of the door.

"Okay I'll be there soon" I said as nice as possible. When ur talking to ally then there is no reason to be mean.

I lifted up a pink crop top and found my banana socks!

"YES!" Put them on.
Oh god this rooms a mess. ..oh well I'll deal with it later.

I looked out the window.

I smiled seeing all my fans so happy. Then I saw a girl. But she wasn't an ordinary girl. This caught my eye and must I say she was stunning.

Even from a window far away I could tell she was an a amazing girl.

I caught myself staring and went back to reality. I realized that I have a concert to attend to! To hopefully see that girl too!

Someone noticed me in the crowd having a small panick attack and pointed at me. Then everyone screamed louder than before. The crowd was looking at me. Except that mystery girl though. She looked around confused and lost of what's happening.
I thought that was adorable!

I waved a blew a kiss. Then Lauren opened my door. Could've knocked it down.


"Sorry laur!"

Then we both exited the room quickly.

"So what up with the crowd screaming so loud? The walls were vibrating!" Lauren joked

"Some people noticed me through the window and everyone started getting hectic"


We got behind the curtains and did a quick vocal warm up.

*exhale* here we go.

Your POV

I think I lost Dinah..for like the 6th time tonight and the concert hasn't even started yet.

I kept looking around until the crowd just randomly screams louder. Knowing that I'll probably be deaf tonight anyways I kept looking around for Dinah but the screaming girls that are pushing me are starting to get really annoying.

I looked around not finding Dinah or seeing anything that gives away what everyone is screaming for.

Then slowly the cheering died down..thankfully!

A girl wearing a...fool..foup..forth! Forth harmony t-shirt knocked me down to the floor

"Ugh watch where your going, some of us wants to see Camila, not your ugly face!" The very rude girl spotted on me!

Who's Camila? Never mind that, this chick messed with the wrong girl at the wrong time.

But of course Dinah beats me to it.

"HEY! WHAT U JUST SAY TO MY BAE!?" Dinah grabbed her by the collar.

"That's she's an ugly bitch but looks like your worse"

Welp. Shes a goner.


Before I could stop her Dinah already started throwing punches.

"Glad.I.Found.You.y/n.Thought.you.Were.Hurt" Dinah said between punches.

She's always been a protective sister to me. I don't mind it sometimes but it could get a little out of hand.

I noticed that we've caused a crowd around us.

"D you can stop now, half of the crowd is looking at us and the girls almost dead!"
It's true. The girl is bruised everywhere and has 2 black eyes and dripping blood. Doesn't seem like Dinah cares though..of course

The guards came over and preyed the girl off of Diana's grasp.

I ran over to Dinah

"Sorry boo but ain't nobody messing with me or you!"
I laughed and hugged her.

But yeah you could've guessed it..we got kicked out of the concert while watching the ambulance drive away with the badly crushed up girl.

Doesn't seem like it but the nights still not over...

A/N: okay had to make the 2nd chapter a bit longer since I've made u guys wait Longer for chapter one. Well hope y'all liked it so far..PEACE!!xoxo✌🏻️🦄🦄

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