Flaming Embers

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Hey everyone!

My first story :O


A picture of Jakub Andrew (who plays Lir in this story) is over ther --->

(He's hot isn't he!)


If you like it, vote & comment and if you don't, comment to tell me why not :)

Holly slumped into the seat on the bus. First day of school after the Chrismas holidays was always the worst. Now they were into the new year, exams seemed closer than ever and every teacher gets nervous as they don't want 'their' kids to fail. Unfortunatly for her, that meant a pile of homework every night and no social life for the next six months.

Holly heard her friend Lexie come on the bus so looked up to smile at her. Her blond hair was perfectly wavy and fell just below her shoulders. Her pale blue eyes shone out from underneath her fringe and her peachy lips were turned into a smile. She wore her usual pale pink polo top and short back skirt, the only evidence of the recent bad weather was the very thick wollen tights and bright pink Hunter wellies she wore on her feet. She sat down next to Holly and started to gush about the holidays

"... And there were really hot guys that just moved into the house down the street. Its a family of eight and two of them will be in our year. A boy and a girl, twins I think. He's hot Holly! Just you're type, tall, dark, handsome..."

"Jeese Lexie, gossiping already?" Holly's other Bestie Nadine flinged her bag down and kneeled on the seat in front so she could see the two of them. Her dyed black hair was about the same length as Lexie's but poker straight and layered with random stripes of purple and red through it. Her fringe stopped just above her green and blue eyeshadow covered eyes and her 'don't marsh my mellow' t shirt and red skinny jeans definitely stood out from the crowd.

Lexie stuck her tongue out at her before grinning back at her. "So how was your holidays Nads?"

"Kinda boring, my little brother was being centre of attention, as usual and Brad didn't stay for long cause he was going on holiday with some Uni friends, how about you Lex?"

"Same actually, I went to my Granny's and my mum and Auntie got drunk and passed out on the sofa whilst my dad and me played snap," Lexie said, rolling her eyes. "Holls?"

"Steve bought me a new amp for my guitar and converted an outbuilding we have into a music room that we can use for our band!"

"Oh my god!"

"That's awesome!"

The three of them were in a band called Miss Automatic. Lexie played drums, Nadine was bass and Holly was lead guitar and (if she wasn't to shy) vocals.

"I know!" Holly gushed. "That means you can keep your kit in there Lexie and Nadie can keep her amps and shizz in there and not have to carry them around all the time."

After a few minutes of enthusiastic whispers the bus shuddered to a halt. The three girls stood up and went to get off the bus. Lexie looked her up and down.

"Holly! It's the middle of Winter and the only jacket you have is a thin jumper! I swear you have some weird condition or something."

"I just don't get cold," Holly said defensively. "It's not that weird."


As Lir got out of his brother's huge black jeep he got the strange feeling something strange was about to happen. One of those gut instincts where you just know, even if you had no proof whatsoever to back it up. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad but it made him edgy and alert. His muscles tensed and his eyes sharpened as they surveyed the strip of grass the school dared to call a playground.

Lir's sister Boand furrowed her brow at the look on her twin's face. The expression on her face clearly asked what was wrong but Lir just exhailed and shrugged his shoulders before motioning towards their new school


Mrs Heart, Holly's reg (registration) teacher, looked like hell. Her blond highlights started two inches from the roots and greasy brown hair showed underneath. It stuck to her face and she wanted nopthing more than lots of cups of coffee and a packet of ciggarettes. Her skirt was a pale blue colour and reached her feet, only exposing a brown faux suede boots with chunky heels that probably reached her knees and her shirt looked as though it had come straight out of her husband's wardrobe. The bags under her eyes could have filled any luggage compartment.

"Wow," whispered Nadine to her two friends. "Someone got coal in their stocking this year..."

Holly giggled before Lexie leaned towards the two of them. "Her husband was found cheating with a prosie. Aparently he spend £500 a week on them."

Nadine marvaled at her petite friend. "Is there any gossip you don't know?"

"I try my be-"

It took a second for Holly to realise she had been waiting a little too long for the rest of that sentence. She was about to ask but as she looked at Lexie, she saw her open mouth. She followed her eye line to where they stood in the door.

There was two of them, a girl and a boy. Closely realted if not twins. The girl was tall, around 5'7". Her long black hair flowed down to her waist in rippling waves and limbs were so slender it looked as though she had been stretched. Her knee length skirt was covered in dainty floral patterns and her pale button up cardigan matched her ballet pumps that had little bows on the toes. She was the most beautiful person Holly had ever seen. The only rival to which was her brother.

His dark blue eyes twinkled as they scanned the room underneath a mane of black hair that looked unkept, but fell in the most attractive way. His eyebrows were dark and his jaw was strong. His very white teeth smiled at the class, showing off his chisled cheekbones. The plain white t shirt he wore modestly covered his biceps whilst still showing he had them. His simple black jeans and trainers were so understated yet made him stand out so much more. His eyes caught hers from across the room and they widdened in shock.

Mrs Heart finally looked up from behind her computerlong enough to notice them and introduce them to the class.

"Right everyone this is... em...," She searched her cluttered desk before finding a piece of paper. "This is Bound and Liar."

"It's pronounced Bo-and and Le-er," he said still looking Holly in the eye. She started back, unable to look away. They kept on staring until his sister elbowed him and gave him a fierce look. He stared at his feet.

"Anyway, this is Boand and Lir Tyron and they just moved here from somewhere and I hope you make them feel welcome... yadda yadda..." She said, becoming less interested by the second before going back to beating her keyboard.

The twins went to sit in the corner.

"That was weird," Lexie said to the other two.

"Yeah, do you know that guy?" Added Nadine.

"No." Holly said, just as confused as her two friends.

She looked at him and he looked back, with something that looked like anger in his eyes.

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