Someday Soon

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I wish someday soon I could write again,

Of happy thoughts but only time tells when.

I'll be able to push myself up,

And climb again on a mountain top.

To look at the world so wondeful anew, 

The trees so green, the sky so blue.

Chirping birds, melodiously sing,

As they proudly flap their colorful wings.

For a rainbow comes out after the heavy rain,

And in each of life experiences wisdom is gained.

Because for everyday that comes, a blessing is unfold,

And the one who welcomes it, will be the one to be told.

Life is full vitality, challenges and adventure,

And a happy disposition is needed to meet the future.

Someday soon, my beautiful life will regain

And I will forget, all this sorrows and pain. 


Please tell me what you think! It's killing me! Please? Thanks heaps! Btw, I will upload more poems in the next couple of days or so. Love you all! ;) 


Andrea Danielle

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