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yn: *walks downstairs*hey guys how was dinner

prince: awkward and boring

yn: aww so im was the life of the party 

drea:alright dont get happy*laughing*


ray:yn we need to talk*pulling her to the other room*

yn:may i help you?

ray:what tf was that?!

yn: what are you talking about ?

ray: that little hissy fit you caught at the restaurant dont act dumb

yn: because you were acting like a asshole im really sick of you and i dont know who you think you talking to you need to bring it down 3 fucking notches 

ray:im acting like an asshole because your acting like a fucking hoe! Yeah i already know about you an beauty you cheated on me because you were pissed off about some bullshit we could've simply talked about you mad at me because some girl was fucking flirting with me all i did was fucking smile you fucking childish but i see who you truly are now im done fuck you!*pushes you then walks out*

rays pov

i know i may be acting like a asshole but you dont understand when the incident happen at the restaurant happen i swear i felt like the biggest jerk alive until i over heard drea and ashley talking. And to hear that yn really cheated on me shattered my heart to pieces she really dosent understand i actually love her i know i put her through alot but i honestly thought we were pass that but fuck it im done im done 

prince:what the hell just happen?


drea:you sure cause you seem mad

ray: i said nothing damn!*storms out the house*

roc:he got issues *laughing*

ashley: what if so funny you clearly see your friend is going through something and you find it as a fucking joke 

roc:why must you always start with me 

ash: im not starting im just saying thats type fucked up but let me mind my biussiness before your bitch ass say the wrong thing and end up single

roc: yeo what tf is your problem you was just fine a minute ago now you angry for no reason you need to go to bed 


yn:*comes out crying*

drea:omg yn whats wrong baby?

yn:i think i messed up big time

ash:what are you talking about 

yn:he knows ashley he said hes done and fuck me

(prince and roc left to go find ray)

ashely: awww baby its okay he probably didnt mean it maybe he was just upset

drea:yeahh i doubt he ment it just give him sometime he'll come around 

yn:yeah yall probably right 

ash:what about bre?

drea:isnt she leaving tonight though?

yn:yeah so at least if me and ray do make things work he dont have to worry about that little situation anymore


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