Prologue; MusicIsSanity

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Curiosity. One of the most influential, key words behind most people's actions. It makes the mind wonder and wander, eliminates the doubt embedded far in the back of their heads. It's the reason behind some of the ventures that are taken, the next move that should be made, allowing people to explore the unknown. At least, for Harry, that was one of the reasons to justify why he came up with a life-changing plan to leave Europe and head on over to the states. His current living situation wasn't entirely bad, but it wasn't the best. How could he settle, knowing there were bigger and better opportunities out there? How could he be content with a two bedroom apartment and a cozy cupboard under the stairs when people were living in mansions on the hills? There wasn't a day that went by when he didn't pick up a magazine and just daydream about it all or watch a film on the television screen, attention sucked into the lives these actors and actresses lived. His occupation wasn't much - unless you enjoy working for one of the local, newspaper columns; but he wanted more. He needed more. Success and happiness was the only option and in order to make that happen, he had to go abroad, where he would get more recognition, have better and much more reliable sources. New York was the destination.

The accents were intriguing, the crowded streets, the wholesome and talkative people. Every other vehicle on the streets was a taxi. The small shops, the big department stores, Madison Square Garden. There was too much to look forward to and there wasn't any doubt in the back of Harry's mind about whether it was a great idea or not. He just knew; but, of course, there were sacrifices. He had a mom, a dad, and other family members who would miss him dearly. His mother was opposed to the idea; however, she knew that he was old enough to go against her word and that it would be Harry's decision at the end of the day. A few tears were shed, a few hugs were given, a few farewells here and there. He made them believe that it was just going to be a temporary trip, just wanted to get out and explore, seize the moment, but he knew very well he had no intentions of coming back. At least not for a couple of years, if that. Harry's father was supportive from the beginning, egging him on, thinking it was a wonderful idea. They had a hard time letting him go, the day he moved out of their home and into his apartment, but they coped, managed, and adjusted. So, his father figured that there wouldn't be much of a difference if he left again.

So, it was settled. Minds were made-up, luggage was packed, and Harry found himself seated in the back of a taxi, headed to the cruise-port. He couldn't stop the smile that played upon his lips, appealing dimples visible to the eye. The homes and tall buildings were starting to fade and become distant, resembling that of a mirage, as the taxi headed further away from the town. He let out a sigh, pushing his curls back, as he leaned against the window. He knew that making a transition would be complex, but he was willing to get a little dirt on his clothes and a scraped knee along the way, as long as the outcome was what he had been seeking - whatever that was, exactly. The best part about it was that he wasn't going to facing that new venture in life alone. Some dear to his heart and a close friend, Zayn, was going to accompany him. Much like Harry, Zayn was interested in venturing out as well. His motives weren't as clear as the curly haired lad, but he wanted to do as much traveling and partying while he was still young. So, when Harry brought the idea to Zayn's attention, Zayn proposed an idea of his own, seeking Harry's approval on whether he could join him or not.

The taxi arrived at the station and, immediately, Harry's focus shifted to the large, cruise ship. It was a lot bigger than he thought it would be and he could only imagine what the interior looked like. His eyes glistened with excitement, a smile to etched upon his face. "Wow." He spoke, softly. He lost all patience, opening the taxi's door before it came to a complete stop. The driver rolled his eyes, mumbling a few, incoherent words. The trunk was popped open and Harry quickly removed his luggage, setting it aside on the docks. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a white envelope full of the funds his parents gave him to enjoy himself, transportation, and his tickets to board the ship. He pulled out a few notes, handing them to the driver who then tilted his cap in gratitude, then headed back into his vehicle. Harry held on to the handle of one of his bags, allowing it to follow behind, hitting the back of his shoes every now and then. As predicted, the port was crowded. There was line full of people, while others were already making their way in, handing their tickets to the collector. At this point, Harry hadn't even bothered to complain. He had made it that far and there was nothing and anyone that was going to get in the way.

"Harry!... Harry!" Harry spun around, trying to locate the familiar voice. A body collided into his, greeting him with a hug. Harry lost his balance, stumbling back a little, but quickly recuperated.

"Hey, Zayn. Ready to go?"

"When am I not ready? I'm running on three hours of sleep because I was too excited." He stated, tone leaking with enthusiasm. They both stood in line, taking small steps at a time. Then, there was that moment - that moment of fear and doubt. Was Harry making the right choice by suddenly packing his things and leaving? Would this ship, and life, guide him in the right direction? Was New York a big step opposed to just moving to another neighborhood or a town not too far away? Maybe it was natural to question these things and maybe even question everything, if that were the case. Venturing out to the unknown was scary, but he was going to make sure it was worth it. Somewhere on the other side of the world was a desk with his name on it, papers stacked upon it with a computer nearby. There was a home with more than two bedrooms, a nice fire place for chili nights, a kitchen for his enjoyment, and maybe even someone to share those things with. Somewhere out there were endless possibilities and the opportunity for adventure, a much better social life - an introduction to a whole new world. The only thing between him and that was a ticket. All he had to do was hand it over, board the ship, and then he would be on his way.

He looked to Zayn, receiving a smile from his friend.

"May I have your tickets, please?"

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