Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I zipped up my bag with my stuff in it and threw it over my shoulder. Everyone around me were other campers making the last minute adjustments to their things. We had split into three groups. One group was going to go and spy on the enemy. I was in charge of a group that would go to Camp Half Blood to see if we could get some reinforcements. Jason was leading the main body of demigods, which was anyone not going with the others or ones that weren't ready to fight. I felt Nico walk up next to me and heft his backpack. His Stygian Iron sword hung in a baldric slung across the other side of his back.

"So. We're finally going back." he said.

I nodded. "Yeah. I can't believe it either."

Nico grimaced. "I just hope they're still alive when we get there."

I swatted him on the arm. "Quit with the melodrama, will you?"

Nico raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey! It's my job to be melodramatic! I'm a son of Hades."

He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "I'm going to go check on my sister, alright? Be right back."

I nodded and looked at my group. The Stolls were trying to pickpocket Clarisse while she was busy sharpening that electric spear of hers. Carol Wei sat behind everybody talking to Frank. Lou Ellen was tossing a fireball back and forth between her hands. A new Hephaestus camper, Leo Valdez if I remember correctly, was chatting with Caleb. Caleb was a Hephaestus demigod Nico and I found during our trek to Camp Jupiter. I looked around for a little while longer until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Ryan Wei, dressed in a grey hoodie and black jeans. His usual joking smile and bright eyes were unusually somber.

He looked down at the ground. "I have a favor to ask of you."

I nodded. "Sure. What do you need?"

He looked up and over my shoulder at his sister then back at me. "If anything happens to me, I need you protect my sister."

I raised my eyebrows. "I highly doubt that she needs protecting. She's always keeping you in line."

Ryan laughed and I saw a flash of who he was at Camp Jupiter, a carefree teenager just enjoying being alive, before his mood dropped behind the metaphoric storm clouds again.

"That's the thing. She gets too serious. I just try to keep her stress down and energy up. She-"he took a deep breath. "She's everything to me. Ever since Dad died, I've been trying to keep her out of the depression she fell into. The first few weeks were the worst. For the both of us. I can't stand seeing her like that. And now, with Mom missing... We've only got each other left."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll do everything I can to keep your sister safe." But even as I said those words, I had a flashback of another promise I made so long ago.

"I won't tell on you," Nico said. "But you have to promise to keep my sister safe."

"I... that's a big thing to promise, Nico, on a trip like this. Besides, she's got Zoe, Grover, and Thalia-" I said.

"Promise." Nico insisted.

"I'll do my best. I promise that."

A hand waved in front of my nose. Ryan was looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"You alright there? You just sort of blanked out on me there. Need a drink of water?"

I shook my head. "I'm alright. Just memories."

Ryan smiled. "Well, good luck. I'll see you next time. Hopefully..."

I watched him walk over to his sister and give her a hug. As I looked on, they really began to remind me of Nico and Bianca.

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