Chapter 1

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"Mum?" I called as I stepped across the threshold of our front door.

As usual, the cabin was deathly silent and dark as well. All the candles had been put out and the only source of light was the almost full moon that glistened from outside the windows.

"Mum? Are you home?" I asked amidst the darkness again. Though deep down I knew, that me calling her at this time would eventually be a lost cause. It was past midnight, so either she was asleep alone in her and father's bedroom, or she was out hunting with Dad. Hopefully it was the former, because I needed her to be home. And alone. Especially for what I had planned for tonight.

"Mum, are you home?" My voice came out lower this time as I slowly ascended the wooden steps towards the bedrooms. There were two of them, and mine was opposite my parents'.

We lived in a cabin in the Black Woods where apparently the first werewolf had originated from. The rest of the pack didn't reside here because my father delighted in his privacy and only summoned them if he needed them to do something for him.

It was my father's choice to live in these woods since he claimed that it would be better if we could interact more with nature and feel free to be our true forms wherever and whenever we wanted.

But I didn't like my wolf self. I never wanted it, but apparently, that was not my choice to decide.

Carefully, I tiptoed onto the top step of the stairs and made my way to my mother's room, hoping that my father wasn't in there. Though that'd be a shock, considering that he was always out at night doing who-knows-what.

That was always how it was in my family. We never stayed together in one place for more than an hour. Either it was my mother and I or it was just me. But I was content with that because I certainly did not want to be in the same confined space with my father. Not after I had found out what he had done to my mother before they had become mates plus what he was currently doing to her.

The signs had all been there, added to my mother's scars - both mental and physical. Werewolves did heal - fast - but my mother had gotten scarred before my father had actually turned her into a werewolf. So naturally, they hadn't healed even though the others she had gotten afterwards had.

Dad wasn't the one who had scarred her - according to Mum - because he had constantly claimed that he'd never do anything to hurt her. I ignored the pain she constantly went through because my mother had kept on reassuring me that Dad was only trying to protect us. That he had his own demons to battle.

However, after the information I'd received that night on how it all happened, I had made up my mind that instant. I wasn't going to stand for any of his crazed stunts any longer.

"Mum?" I whispered again as I placed my hand on the wooden doorknob and pushed it forward. Gently.

It creaked a little and I winced as the sound echoed in the corridor. Peeking my head inside, I caught the unmistakable glow of candlelight on my parents' nightstand and sighed in relief when I saw my mother's lone figure lying on the bed.

Cautious not to make any more noise, I slipped through the space I had created in the doorway and tiptoed to my mother's side. Watching her sleep so peacefully without any worry lines marring her beautiful face, I silently wished that I could make all her pain go away and never see those horrid lines for as long as we lived. Which would be for a very, very long time, considering the kind of beings we were.

I stretched out my hand and brushed a strand of her dark brown hair out of her face. After all this time, I still couldn't get used to seeing how young and beautiful my mother was nor could I get used to the fact that she actually was my mother.

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