The original OTP

277 21 13

A/n:I am so freaking proud of this. I worked really hard. Did all the math and I'm learning how to use the photoshop tools properly and I deserve a pat on the back thank you very much!

Who do you think bottoms? ;)


Gatorade was tired of holding his feelings back! He needed to tell Powerade that he loved Powerade, a lot. Gatorade decided the best way to tell Powerade was with a handmade card.


Gatorade took a deep breath as Powerade approached.
"What's up Gatorade?"
"Nothing much Powerade. I wanted to give you this." Gatorade handed the card to Powerade.

Powerade begin to blush as he read the card.
"I love you too." he said his voice like a mild breeze. Gatorade looked into Powerade's beautiful red orbs and knew that Powerade would be Gatorade's life-long partner.

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