The Other Side 2: Trolls

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Hey, everyone! Sorry for the late update :( I had a big exam and couldn't find a time to update. Here's chapter 2 finally! ^^ I've been pondering on what characters to include and still haven fully being satisfied with the list I have now. Anyway I'm still working on it. No worries ^^ To avoid confusing the characters in the future, I have written the casts. Enjoy this chapter guys! :) Read on!

Chapter 2: The Troll

After hours of trudging through the forest, they couldn’t find any civilization. The forest seemed to stretch endlessly in front of them. The sun was setting overhead them; they do not have much time before it was completely dark.

“Alright, I need a break,” Kate said tiredly, sitting down underneath a tree. “I tired from all the walking.”

“We can’t stop now, we’re losing light!” Cassie protested.

“We’ve been walking for hours! Give me a break,” Kate sighed, looking up to the skies. “Neh Cassie, will we ever go home? What if we’re stuck here forever?”

Cassie fell silent. The thought of it unsettled her. The thought of her stuck in a puppy’s body forever made her scared. “I-Idiot! Of course, we will! I don’t know how but we will!” She yelled. She tried to sound tough but her speech and body gave her away. She was trembling.

Kate saw this and petted her gently on the head. “Yeah, we will. Sorry for giving you that disturbing thought.”

“I don’t want to be stuck in a dog’s body. I can only live up to twelve years. It’s too short! At least you’re still human!”

“Alright alright, I got it puppy girl,” she chuckled. That made Cassie tried to bite her hand but she missed.

They rested in silence, looking over the forest landscape which was bathed in the orange glow of the sunset. They continued their journey again once Kate was well rested enough.

X  X  X

“Shhhhh! Did you hear that,” Cassie whispered.

Kate stopped walking and tried to listen. When she couldn’t hear anything she whispered back to Cassie, “Hear what?”

“I think I heard some footsteps coming our way.”

That made Kate stopped in her tracks. “Is it human?”

“I don’t know,” Cassie whispered, gripping tighter on Kate’s arm.

Kate snapped out of it and tried to search for a good hiding spot. She quickly went and hid behind a tree.

“He’s getting nearer,” Cassie whimpered, her body shook in fear.

Now Kate can hear the footsteps nearing their hiding spot and was speeding up. She pulled out her Dominator while cautiously trying to see the approaching creature.

Her eyes widen in shock when she saw the owner of the footsteps. She couldn’t help it when she saw the well-known hideous villain.

The person saw her and ran towards her. She quickly drew her gun and pointed at him. “Hold it right there, Joker! Don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot!”

“Wait, wait! Don’t shoot!,” he said, raising both of his hands shakily. “I’m not the Joker! I mean not really! I mean…this is going to sound crazy.”

“Oh yeah? Try me.”

“Look, I may look like him but…I’m not exactly him. I mean it’s like I’m in his body but I’m not him. Really! I know it sounds crazy but you got to believe me!” He said frantically, trying to convince her.

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