Tuesday-Swhedha :)

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Hey everyone! So we now have 500+ reads and we are SO proud and happy! Thanks everyone who takes there time to vote and comment, and here's my day!
So I slept in, got rushed, ate something, and went to school late. Today, we had to switch up our classes- We usually have french first, but since something came up we instead did english first and did french on the second half of the day. So we did Math and some Fully Alive first thing in the morning. Math was actually kind of fun, since everyone partnered up to do separate questions in math. Well actually no because I didn't get a partner.
After snack (cheese strings, crackers, and pears) we played this game related to science. Basically its like seeing how the ecosystems work and stuff. Theres plants who get 5 lives, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores and humans this time. The goal is to try and survive, some     types things have more of an advantage over others, like plants can only kill humans because they can poison humans. I was a plant sadly. The bottom of the food chain.
At lunch recess me and the team went to volleyball practice and did the usual. Sometimes it really bothers me about the fact that the coach obviously cares more about the boys volleyball team more than how we do. Anyways, it was the usual. After we did language where we looked at cyber bullying scenarios and me and Emmanuella were partnered up to work on this one scenario in the back. Since no one could here us, we went into this convo about Wattpad and I said that I wanted to make a plot twisting story like the After trilogy- minus the sex scenes. So Emmanuella said that she always wondered about writing a sex scene in a book. Like I said we were in the back of the class, near the door.
We never realized that when she said that, my teacher was standing at the door. She was looking at us, and said, 'pretend I'm not here' and she sounded so uncomfortable. Me and Emmanuella died of laughter, it was obvious she heard Emmanuella say that comment about wanting to write a sex scene.
Later after language was over the class started this thing where we can see how long we can keep our teacher talking. I raised my hand and asked about the teacher fair she was at (thats the reason she was gone the first half of the day.) She started talking and for some reason the talk went over to high school to the time she was at high school. By the time she stopped, we haven't done any work, and btw she talked for 25 minutes straight. She would have still went on if it weren't for the fact that recess came. She even asked if I would like to talk into recess too. I said no. During recess me and my friends were kicking balls at windows and stuff.
After recess we did boring shit and when we were leaving my friend was pulling on me to go one way, then she let go, then I dropped to the ground, thanks to my heavy ass bag. It was kind of humiliating. Idc and yeah after that I went home. My day is done.
Vote and comment people!! Also share our story all over!
P.S. Yes this is short, but its a typical boring day. Whats to write about, the wonderful math lesson we had? *Note sarcasm*
Shoutout to Shawn and Daryl cause idk

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