Chapter 5

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okay people, i hope you've liked what you've read up till now. so do let me know....! comment people..!!

this is going to be short chapter by the way and don't worry if it leaves you a little bit confused.. all your questions are going to be answered in the next chapter... so read on..... 

and yeh.. i dedicate this chapter to storyspinner... seriously girl, i would've never even got this far had it not been for you...  you know how frikkin lazy i am...!! so cheers to you....!!


I just couldn't seem to get a hold of myself... i just sat there trying to control my breathing when all of a sudden my door swung open and he was right there. Looking at me with a sad empty look in his eyes.

"You.. how did you find me...? how did you know?"

"So many years now Isis. I've been looking and searching in every corner of this earth. did you think i was just going to let you go...? Did you really think that you could just walk out on us and everyone would forget? how could you be so selfish?" 

My heart gave a little squirm in my chest. Yes i had been selfish but he was the last person who should be giving me that lecture. And when i though of that my blood started to boil. Every word, every way that he had hurt me came back to me.

"You... you dare speak to me about being selfish...! You dare tell me what i did wrong...??!! You turned your back on us the day you decided that we were not god enough for you....! You were the one who abandoned us..! You abandoned me...!!!" i was practically screaming by the end of my little speech. 

I wanted to leave, i wanted to drive away from there as fast as i could. But Lucas was still holding my door and i was pretty sure he would rip it right out if i tried to drive. This was the confrontation that i had tried to avoid for hundreds of years. I couldn't take it... couldn't live though the betrayal again. I knew i was running from it when i had left and i knew that facing it would've been a better option but the truth was that it was too painful. Running away was so much easier...

Lucas pulled me out of the car and into his arms... It felt good to be there after so long but the hurt and the pain overshadowed every other feeling by far... I pushed him away and turned around.

"Don't you dare follow me.." i said in the most menacing voice that i could kick up and walked off towards home. It was very cold and a thick fog had started to descend. I was shivering but i didn't look back. I would think about the car later. right now i just wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

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