Don't Scream (BoyxBoy)

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Kay. This is a boyxboy romance, and a horror fiction mixed. If you like neither, then don't read.

The song that inspired this story is= Avenged Sevenfold-Scream

Please and thank you.




Shaking uncontrollably I looked around me to see a now empty basement that was once filled with teens. But not anymore. The only thing that keeps reminding me that this isn't a horrible dream is the many trails of blood leading to different places.

Why did this have to happen? No matter how many times I closed and reopened my eyes I was still here.

"Samuel Thank gosh that I found you!" Mage attacked me with a relieved hug. Nervously I glanced around because I know that he is here somewhere. He has to be. With slight hesitation I forced myself to hug her back. Mage must have sensed my mood because she slowly pulled away from me, then she began to walk backwards. "Why is there blood on you?", Mage questioned, scared. I do. I glanced down at my white shirt to see blood on it. But it wasn't there before, and no one has been close to me except-

"M-Mage", I stuttered while looking at the huge slash on the right side of her stomach. "I'm sorry Samuel". With fearful eyes I watched Mage's eyes roll into the back of her head before she collapsed onto the ground. I was too paralyzed to move. She's dead.

No. She can't be gone. My sobs stopped me from screaming going into a fit of rage. I failed her. His familiar touch sent me on over drive. Mage even failed me by accidentally bringing him here to me.

"Hey sweetie",he sweetly whispered in my ear. Byran snaked his left arm around my waist and he yanked me closer to him. I tried not to struggle because I knew what he was capable of . I don't want to upset him anymore. "You didn't need to ditch me earlier". No I shouldn't have babe. "You came here all alone, my Samuel". He growled.

I swallowed the huge lump that formed inside of my throat "Byran. I'm really sorry babe".

"I know you are, my Samuel. But I'll make sure that you don't run from me anymore". I shook.

"You know that I love you", I croaked out. He let out a deep annoyed sigh. "We'll be alright sweetheart", he said, ignoring me. Harshly he bit down on my soft spot making me tremble not in pleasure but horror.

I felt his right hand take mine in a tight grip.

"Please babe. Don't-Ahh!!" I let out a long blood-curlding scream when he bent my hand backwards more than it should possibly go. I could hear the bones cracking before I heard and felt an ugly 'snap!' At the exact same time he plunged a knife inside of my neck. Metallic blood filled my entire mouth and I started to unwillingly choke on it. "Shhh....Sweetheart. The pain isn't that horrible", he falsely reassured me. Bryan kissed the injured side of my neck.  The blood was freely flowing and it never wanted to end. My vision started to blur.

"My infatuation", Byran spoke softly."My obession and love for you brought this on. Damn you make me crazy. My honey. Your scream satisfies me". He nicely set me down onto the ground. As if that'd help my boyfriend inflicted wounds. He flipped me over onto my side so that I wouldn't drown on my own blood. It feels so hard to breathe; everytime I swallow that knife slides against the other side of my wind-pipe. The knife is waiting for me to make the wrong move. That way if I do then it will all be completely over for me. For good.

"Oh baby. Don't cry", he said, trying to soothe me. When did I start crying? "S-", I started choking on my loss of blood. He used his shirt to the wipe the blood from off of my face. "Shhh....No talking". He breathed.

Byran straddled me and he leaned himself down only to give me a kiss. I squeezed my eyes shut. Why am I weak when it comes to him?

So pathetically weak.

He pulled back. Why can't I bre-I started gasping for some more air. Please let the pain end!

I watched him lick his lips "Damn even your blood tastes good. Too bad I'm not a vampire because I'd finish you off slowly". He seductively glided his fingers across my bloody lips.

"But I'm only human", he continued on. " Sorry babe. I know how much you love vampires". A low whimper escaped my bloody lips. "Don't worry hun. I'm a certified doctor. You'll be fine in no time". Another pain went shooting up my right hand.

"A-", more choking and gasping cut me off.

"Your broken hand probably won't heal well but that scar will. Sorry about your hand, my Samuel. But you must be taught a lesson". With my vision coming and going I watched him in terror. It only increased when he brought out a big shot.

My eyes went wide at how big it was. "This will stop the pain and paralyze you". Suddenly my body felt extremely heavy as I tried to push him away and off of me. The attempt was only futile.

"Sweet dreams honey", Byran bid me goodbye. I closed my eyes. Maybe the pain will all stop. Let terrifying torture not continue, please. Death let me free.


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