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I was on my way home,  It was my 16th birthday and the only thing I could possibly want from my parents was a unicycle. How I had dreamed of a unicycle. How could you not? There amazing. Anyone with a unicycle was officially cool. As well as Hippies, They are allowed in my cool club also. Uni cycling Hippies blow my mind. They are just perfect okay anyway I was walking home back from school. I know school, On my birthday. Ugh, it sucked. I had Maths also *Birthday ruined*. As I came to my house, I see my dad's car parked outside, it was strange, he was never home early. I was scared, something bad must of happened. 

As I get inside I here him call me in  'Allie, Come here' He sounded angry oh holy potato. I was scared. I don't like it when my dads angry. But to my surprise I walk into my living room and nobodies there? I didn't miss hear my dad, He shouted me. Wow, I am confused 'Dad?' I call out. I go to walk into the kitchen, then suddenly all my family jump out at me. I froze, scared as anything 'SURPRISE' They scream. Yep, I was surprised alright. They all laughed at me as I hit my head on the wall, from jumping back. It wasn't funny, it hurt.  

'Ugh, well Hi guys. Nice of you to um, join me?' They laughed at my comment. All smiling, they each gave me hugs. 

Uncle Steven&Aunt Dina

Uncle Geoff&Janet (She was his girlfriend (; )


Cousins : 

Rosie,Sarah,Jake,Danny and Tom.

Yep, pretty much my whole family, apart from Grandpa?

'Hey, where's Grandpa?' I ask quite upset he hadn't turned up to my birthday.

-Both my parents where put into care, child hood sweethearts. My mum found her father, he didn't even know he had a child. My Grandmother kept it from him. Being the amazing person he is, He stepped in straight away. He is great, I love him so much. Better late then never right?


'He's in the garage' Mum answered 'Go out to him' she smiled.

So that's what I did, I walked into the garage and shouted him, he stood next to a large present. 'Hey Alzie' Alzie is what he calls me, there's a joke behind it somewhere, when i was 3? I can't even remember what it was, he's just called me it ever since.

'Is that for me?!' I beamed, I do love presents.

Everyone else gathered around the garage door as I opened it up.

You would never of guessed what it was

.... a ......


Wooo! Chapter one. xD. -BEST STORY EVERRRR

-If i do say so myself c;

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