"Paradise" has Never Sucked so Bad.

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Helloooo! This is my first story on Wattpad, and I hope you all will enjoy it! :D Please leave feedback; I'd seriously appreciate hearing from you!

Warning: This story will have some cursing in it; not too many really bad ones, but tamer ones will be used frequently.

Anyway, enjoy!


When the water splashed my face, all I could do was scream.

“Dammit! You spilled my water all over the floor, stupid chick!”

I shook like a little puppy; from the fear or the cold touch of the water, I didn’t know. Having waves of water hit me when I least expected it couldn’t frighten me more.

“Such a klutz…” One of the men from the table murmured to his buddy.


I gritted my teeth angrily, clenching my fists into angry balls as the noises of the piggish customers yammered on at their table, stuffing their greasy faces with hamburgers and ketchup by the barrel. I dug my nails into my note pad and fought the urge to sock them in the jaw. But I couldn’t do that; not now. I couldn’t jeopardize this job.

“Hey, waitress? How ‘bout gettin’ us another round a’ beers since you spilt my water?” The head of the four men suggested, smirking slimily.

I grimaced from my spot against the wall, and unwillingly peeled myself away to march off towards the kitchen and pull some more Bud Weisers from the cooler. “Sure thing, you dirty jackanapes.” I murmured under my breath.

“What was that, sweetheart?” One of the men asked, curiosity tinged in his deep Brooklyn accent.

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to turn around to confront him, “I said ‘Sure thing, you lovely customers.’”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought!” Another joked, earning a round of laughter from his buddies.

I sighed, feeling as if I could pull my hair out. The second I reached the kitchen, my eyes located my best friend, and I collapsed onto the ground, closing my eyes and curling up into a ball. I sensed her awkward silence and decided to vouch for my reasons, “I am never going back out there. Those guys are pigs, Mae. Pigs. I even smell bacon on them…”

“Well, I just delivered their food, and I think they just ordered the bacon cheeseburger.” Mae said coolly, continuing about her job normally. Mae was never one to stress about anything or ever get worked up. She basically had an emotional shield built around her that zapped any unwanted feelings that would be unlucky enough to come her way. I sometimes envied her in that sense; it must’ve been nice never having to worry about sadness, anger, fear, or disappointment. And in this case, when anger was overcoming me, I’d be glad to have anything suppress it. “And Audrey?” She wondered, squinting her eyes at me.

I picked myself unwillingly off the floor, glad it was just mopped, “Yeah?”

“…You’re soaking wet.” She said, and promptly threw me a towel.

I sighed with relief and caught it, dabbing every wet area of myself. If there was one thing I hated more than men like those guys, it was water. “T-Thanks, Mae.”

“Don’t mention it,” She shrugged and went back to working, “I know you hate it. Well, more like fear it.”

I frowned and pouted at her, “I am not afraid of water.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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