Be strong

102 29 6

I heard life is short since I was born
with every day that pass it proves it wrong
they say to live the moment and smile
while they ruin your happiness the first chance they have

When you're wealthy your worthy
Human are that selfish
Believe in yourself and your prideful
If you don't your cowardly

Your life is yours don't let them rule it
Smile that is the only way to fight them
Life is so long to keep your pain in
Whether you do good or not they will still judge

Your Own home is a prison
You don't belong
You try to smile through pain
Hoping one day it will end

They hurt u and pretend to like you
Their hearts are just frozen to the core
Justice isn't an option for you
You have to fight for your rights
That is life babe's u have to live it like or not

I hope you liked it I tried to make it long
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