You're more like a jockey or a cute little bunny.

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  Galloping, was all I heard as I rode my horse down the track. I was getting closer and closer to the finish line by the second. My breathing was hitching but I didn’t care. The crowd cheered louder and got more aggressive by the minute actually. I saw JJ, my mum, my dad, and everyone trying to see me cross the finish line.  Dust, dirt, and rocks flew everywhere but all I saw was the finish line. My horse and I barely crossed the finish line when I heard a BANG

  I bolted up at the noise,” Damn,it was just a dream.” I sat up, rubbing my eyes and sighing. I looked out my broken window to see the sun barely peeking through the clouds. I looked at my alarm clock to see 5:00 flashing across the screenWait a minute,” I mumbled to myself, looking under the window to see pieces of glass. I thought real hard about who would break my window at 5 in the morning, but couldn’t think of anyone. “FUCK”, I froze when I heard this phrase and realized who would do this kind of thing.

  “JJ, what the hell?!” I hissed at him as he climbed through my broken window. He signaled me to give him a moment, “I wanted to say good luck and drive you to the stables?” He questioned me, not expecting the expected. “Let me get dressed first.” I let my breath go, climbed out of my bed, grabbed my clothes I picked out the night before, and left the room, to the bathroom.

  I twisted my hair into a loose bun, 10 minutes later. 5:21 a.m. “Finally,” JJ muttered as he got up from my lounging chair. I rolled my eyes at his remark and grabbed my jockey bag off the ground, while walking out the front door with JJ. He opened the passenger seat door for me as I thanked him for the ride. 5:26 a.m.

  As I got comfy in the familiar truck, JJ asked me how old I was. “I’m 19, turning 20 on October 31.” I answered, confused at his question. “Seriously? Because I remember you were 13 and I was 18!” He said, grinning at me. I laughed as I remembered all the awkward moments we had together while I was learning how to ride a horse. As the conversation we on, I swear to god, I heard whispering in the backseat, but I ignored it for my own sake.

  “So Mr. Hamblett, what is it like being in a boy group?” I held my air microphone to his mouth. “Well, Jesse,” I gave him daggers for using my real name,” It’s amazing being in Union J because I have 3 younger brothers and the best mates I could ever have!” He smiled into the rear view mirror as if looking at someone. As we were asking each other questions, one came out of my mouth I didn’t want to ask, but was curious about, “Will you ever forget me once you’re rich and famous?”

  “Of course not! What makes you think that will happen?” JJ looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows together. “Because you’re JJ Hamblett from Union J and I’m just a 19 year old girl.” I told him, looking at him. He pulled the brakes at the red light, after I finished my sentence. I looked out the window and muttered a sorry to him. “Why are you always sorry, even if it isn’t your fault?” He yelled at me, sharply turning a corner and awaited for my answer. He never got one. 5:58 a.m.

  When the stables were in sight, I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out of the car and ran towards the doors. JJ parked the truck, slammed the car door, and rushed after me with my bag. I opened the stable doors and found my horse, Jorge. I unlocked his stable door and Jorge galloped out of the stables, to go to “our” special spot. The lake. I sat in front of the lake and listened to the silence that fell over the lake.

  It was probably 10 minutes before I heard footsteps towards me. The person sat next to me. “What do you want?” I asked absentmindedly. “You to win the race,” He told me. “You’re so funny, I forgot to laugh!” I quoted a song, I just recently listened to. 6:10 a.m.

  “Hey we need to go back and get ready.” JJ looked up from his watch, to see my reaction. I got up and walked to Jorge, noticing JJ didn’t follow me. “Aren’t you coming, Jockey Jamie?” I joked, using his nickname. He laughed, got up, and walked to his horse. We chatted on the way to the stables and three bodies awaited us there…

A/N: Did you guys like 1/2 of the dabble? Do you guys want me to put up the 2nd part? FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!! -Solafa xo

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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