The Incident before the Ball

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(Nobody's pov)

After the King let Shiane return to her coven she stood behind her Mistress slightly to the right side as was custom for the Submissive role. She followed her Mistress and coven to the area they would be staying in. Mistress Raven turned to Shiane and said "Shiane I wish to speak with you in my chambers immediately, follow me in the appropriate manner" what she meant was for Shiane to crawl behind her as another coven was approaching with their male submissive on his hands and knees on a leash, Shiane obeyed her Mistress and got immediately down on her hands and knees into directly behind her Mistress, she kept her eyes directly in front her on the feet of her Mistress and gracefully crawled behind her, as the other coven passed the leaders acknowledged each other with a slight nod before continuing on, before Mistress Raven and Shiane had gone more then 5 foot one of the other covens members looked at Shiane and spoke to her Master "Master why does that coven treat that girl like we treat our Submissive". The Master looked back and looked Shiane over. He paused and said "because it is a dog they have there, that's how you treat dogs" Raven turned to Shiane and said "Shiane please show this gentleman who you are"
Shiane replied "As you wish Mistress".

(Shiane's pov)
After Mistress gave me permission I stood up, took a deep breath and began my transformation into my vampire form, and to say my vampire was pissed would be an understatement, she wanted to rip the mans throat out and then kill the girl who pointed me out. After the Master of the other coven realised I was vampire as well as wolf his eyes grew wide and he grinned manically, he turned to my Mistress and said "how much do you want for her?"as soon as those words left his mouth my Mistress stood in front of me and her appearance changed, she was so angry that he had assumed that he could buy me that her inner vampire had taken over, her transformation was instant, her inner vampire was as exquisite as her normal side but totally the opposite, her hair turned Snow White as well as her eyes, her fangs elongated to at an inch and a half, her nails sharpened to twice the sharpness of mine and her attitude was 10x worse then normal. The air in the corridor grew so cold that everyone was shivering fortunately me being part wolf didn't feel it. Ice was starting to form all around where Mistress stood. Mistress spoke and said "She is mine". After she said she turned to me and I knelt in front of her she turned to me and said "You are mine until you find your Mate/Beloved. If they so much as look at you, you tell me".
In kneeling position I replied "yes My Mistress it shall be done". To that she nodded and gestured for me to change back as I did so I saw the Master of the other coven throw something towards my Mistress I immediately stood in front of my Mistress with my back towards the other Master, I felt it hit me on shoulder I could feel it burn as it did so. I realised it was coated in silver, my Mistress saw the impact after realising why I had moved in front of her. In response to the threat she perceived against a member of her coven she immediately released her seal unleashing her power, she spoke in the voice of her inner vampire. She froze the Master of the other coven right as he was about throw another silver object at me.

(Raven's pov)

As the other Master froze in place I turned the other coven and said "I suggest you take this piece of garbage with you and leave before I freeze his insides as well". They picked him up and ran quickly towards their area of the castle. After they had left I turned to Shiane and inspected her shoulder, I removed the silver dagger and dropped into the cloth bag she was holding out for me. I gestured for her to turn round as she did so I saw her bleeding wasn't stopping, I sighed and placed my hand on the wound and froze the blood, I told her "You may remain standing for now, I thank you for your protection, I shall reward you later. Now follow me to my chambers." I watched as Shiane walked to right side slightly behind me. As we walked in silence I watched as she seemed to grow paler and paler my chambers were just up ahead I sped up a little and opened the chamber door with my telekinesis. I could see her growing weaker as the silver made it's way through her system, I got Shiane into my chambers and laid her on the table in the middle of it. I rolled her onto her front and examined her wound. As I examined it I noticed that with the silver there was also wolfsbane and Belladonna rubbed over the blade, I hissed slightly in anger and annoyance this was going to take time and patience to extract the two poisons from my little submissive's body. I got to work as a coven leader you are expected to know the healing arts and to say I am very knowledgeable about them would be exaggerating, I practically wrote the books on it. I took a deep breath then began. I slowly but carefully extracted the poison and placed it in the bottles nearby for future reference. As the colour came back into Shiane's face I felt relief that she would be ok. I am quite taken by this little submissive hybrid. I watched as Shiane slowly started to come round and sat back as she started to move a little.

(Shiane's pov)

After blacking out when entering Mistress Ravens chambers, I remembered taking a silver dagger to the shoulder from other coven leader and how I had protected Mistress Raven, I groaned feeling the burn still in my shoulder the silver no longer there but it still burned from the after effects of the silver entering my system. As I sat up I realised Mistress Raven was sat opposite me watching as I woke up. I looked down and was about to apologise when she shook her head signalling me to keep quiet, she gestured for me to move closer and to kneel in front of her, I could see her inner vampire was still behind her eyes so I was a little wary. I had met her inner vampire before and knew she could be extremely cruel and sadistic towards people. I got up from the table where I was laying, my shoulder burning. I knelt in front of her well aware of the fact I was topless she had obviously removed it to check and heal my shoulder. I made no move to cover myself it was forbidden too unless told too otherwise. As I knelt in front for her, she straightened her eyes still whiter then before I whimpered slightly but kept myself still. I knew her inner vampire was still there and what she was after. She leaned forward placed her hand underneath my chin and lifted my face so I was looking her in the eyes, her face came further forward and as she got closer I could feel her warm breath fan my face every few seconds. She kissed me as she did so I felt her other arm wrap round my waist and lift onto her lap. Her lips were so soft and warm that I began to wish the moment would never stop. She was soft and very gentle. I knew what may happen next but I wasn't prepared for her to stop. She stopped and looked at me before leaning her head on my shoulder and just resting there. She spoke not a word or moved just held me like that for ages. She finally spoke up and said "come little one it's almost time for bed you will be sleeping in my chambers with me, I am not comfortable having you stay away in the submissive's quarters."
"Yes Mistress." I replied.

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