Something Missing

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We got back to the house and Bianca, Stacy, and Corrine had pizza, soda, and Netflix set up for us. They had stayed behind to watch the house.

I didn't stay downstairs and celebrate with them because we didn't find Kaylee. Why celebrate. I layed on my bed.

I grabbed my phone and opened Twitter. So many fans were worried.

@/TheCampingRusher: I'll be back soon❤️ going through some hard times right now. I love you all

"Brayden come downstairs," Maddie said leaning against my doorway
"No thanks," I replied not even looking at her
"Why not? You deserve to celebrate, you saved me, you saved Huahwi, and you saved Zack," she said walking over to my bed
"Because I didn't save Kaylee," I said
"Forget Kaylee, at least for tonight. We can go back and save her another time. I'm sure David won't kill her now that we have so many witnesses and three victims," she said
"I can't forget about her Maddie, you have no idea what we've been through. You heve no idea what she's been through. She doesn't deserve to be with David alone," I said sitting up and she sighed
"Please, just have fun for one night. Please? For me?" She asked looking all sad
"I want to say no, but you know I can't to that face," I said
"Yay! Come on!" She said running out my door and down the stairs.

I followed behind her. I walked into the kitchen. Beers. Great. Maddie came up to me and handed me one.

"No thanks," I replied
"What? The Brayden I used to know wouldn't turn down a beer," She said
"I'm not the same Brayden anymore," I said fighting off the urge to drink
"Come on, it's just one," she said waving it in my face
"Yea- I guess your right," I said grabbing it as she smiled
"Yo Brayden! Ma' boy!" Mark yelled over the loud music that was playing
"How much have you had to drink?" I asked looking into his eyes
"I don't know 2, or 3 beers... Maybe 9" he said smiling and walking away.

I knew this was a bad idea. I walked over to Zack and Joe. They weren't drinking.

"Brayden why are you drinking?" Joe asked
"Maddir gave me a drink," I said
"How many have you had?" Zack asked
"This is my first... And hopefully my last," I said knowing id probably end up drunk.


"Having fun?" Maddie asked stumbling over to me
"Hell yea," I slurred putting my arm around her shoulders.

I looked around. Someone had invited more people because there were a bunch of strangers.

"You know you're really hot," Maddie smirked.


Me and Joe were sitting in the living room watching everyone party and make mistakes.

Drinking was a horrible habit that I never wanted to get into.

I stood up and walked into the living room. I looked around at all the strangers. I tried finding Brayden.

I felt like I needed to protect Kaylee. I also felt like Brayden would do something stupid and hurt her.

My eyes landed on him. My blood boiled. I stomped over to him. I ripped him and Maddie apart.

"What the hell?!" I yelled
"What? I was just kissing her" Brayden slurred
"You have a girlfriend!" I yelled at him
"Annnnndddd?" He questioned
"Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want. Just know Kaylee will find out about this wether I tell her or not." I said turning around and walking back to Joe
"What happened?" He asked
"Brayden and Maddie were making out," I said
"Seriously?! Are you gonna tell Kaylee?" Joe asked
"No, I'm not gonna be the one to hurt her," I said
"Someone's gotta tell her," he said
"Brayden can tell her," I said walking up the stairs and into my room slamming the door behind me.


"Wait so, this boy was trying to kidnap me?" I said pointing at a picture
"Yes, he was trying to kidnap you, luckily one of my assistants found you before he could leave. This boy, also known as Brayden, dropped you and you got a concussion, making you loose your memories," my father said
"Oh my gosh, that's horrible! Why would someone be so cruel and kidnap someone!" I said shocked
"I don't know sweetie, I don't know," my father replied standing up
"May I go outside and get some fresh air?" I asked
"Of course, just don't go past the gate, and don't go out front." He replied as I stood up from the desk in the classroom and walked into my living room.

I opened the back door and walked outside. After closing the door behind me I walked underneath the tall trees.

Something didn't feel right. I felt as if something was missing.

I felt like my father didn't tell me something. I brushed the feeling away and walked over to a small pond.

This property was huge. How do I not remember living here?

I bent down next to the pond and dipped my fingers in, swirling them around.

Soon it got dark and I headed back towards the house.

I got inside and there was a few girls in the kitchen making food. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I looked through my closet. Nothing but dresses.

I looked in my dresser. Only pajamas and underwear.

Where were the pants? The shirts? The shorts? Maybe I didn't like those things.

Maybe I was only allowed to wear dresses. I grabbed some pajamas and went into my bathroom.

I got into the shower and got clean. I then got out and got dressed. I put my pajamas on. Then I put my hair up in a bun.

I left the bathroom and sat on my bed. Something was missing. I could feel it.

Something was wrong.

A/N: I'm so evil... Like seriously y'all probably want to strangle me for writing this 😂

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have a nice day!

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