Chapter 1- My Future Champion

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                             I don't know how to start this, I guess I'll start with my name. Okay hi readers, my name is Nicole Aravin and I am the current Divas Champion.

Also I am in love with the future WWE Champion, Christian, who just so happens to have a match tonight against Randy Orton

We've been dating for a year now and I hope he's planning on proposing to me soon.

People don't understand our love. They think just because I can handle giving Christian space is ridiculous. I am a trusting girlfriend and I know that Chris would never hurt me. We love each other too much.

So what if he likes to drink out with his friends. So what if he comes home late. I'm not a clingy girlfriend and that's one of the things he loves about me.

Tonight I also have a match against my sister, Angel. I promised Stephanie that I would be in a No Disqualification Match against her if she gave Chris another shot against Randy.

Randy's a real cocky, arrogant jerk. He walks around like he owns the place and has practically ever boobs-for-brain bimbo all over him. Being WWE champion has really gotten to his head. That's why Chris is going to beat him and then we're going to be the most powerful couple in history.

"Nikki! Bring me my boots!" Chris called as I was finishing up changing in the restroom.

My yellow bustier made my breast push up and I wore my leather jacket with it. My short shorts that should have been I considered underwear made my butt look bigger than it already was.

I really don't like the color yellow but Chris likes it because it goes good with his colors so I wear it to make him happy.

I walked out of the restroom with my dark brown hair swaying behind me, my hazel eyes searched the room and saw his boots on the table. Chris was on the couch playing on his phone.

"Here." I said cheerfully as I held out his boots to him.

Chris looked up and took his boots "Thanks."

"So I was thinking..." I smiled happily and began to rub his shoulders from behind him."Maybe after you become the WWE champion we can go out and celebrate."

"Well it depends on how I'm feeling. I don't know what kind of damage me Randy are going together." Chris shrugged simply.

"Well I know one thing." I smiled gently and gave him a comforting kiss on the cheek."You're going to win."

"You best believe it." Chris chuckled, showing a cute small smile.

"I gotta go." I sighed while hugging him."I'll be back."

I got up from the couch and when I did he squeezed my ass "Good luck."

"Oh!" I gasped in shock but then giggled."Christian!"

"Nikki!" Chris chuckled as I opened the door.

I shook my head as I stepped out into the hall and shut the door behind me.

To be honest I'm a little nervous about my match against Angel. She's an amazing high flyer like Es and we both put on crazy matches. She's a real threat to me.

But at least Chris gets another shot at Randy

I walked out to the curtain and saw Angel was already there with Rey at her side. She gave a friendly smile when she saw me and waved.

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