Ch. 5 Sometimes I Swear You're The Younger One Of The Two Of Us

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Bailey's POV

I hurried toward the directiotn Billy said Ris had gone in. I vaguely remember the story, and luckily, if I remember correctly, we had only run into a minor character- Billy.

Then, I realized something. Iris had never read The Fourteenth Goldfish! I'd stashed the book in Tara's library (yes, it was all Tara's) because I'd anonymously gotten it. I'd read it, but Ris was too busy rereading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling for the FOURTH time to bother with the latest anonymous addition to my collection.

"F*ck," I muttered, realizing who Anonymous probably was.


This was all his fault, I thought bitterly as I scrambled over a small sand dune. I sighed, and began yelling my throat out. "IRIS!! WHERE ARE YOU IRIS? OOOOOHHHHH IRIIIIIIISSSSSSS! WHEEEEERRRREEE AAAAAAARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?" I screamed.

"I'm right here," an irritated voice called from somewhere on the side.

I whipped my head that way, and finally caught sight of Iris. She cocked an eyebrow at me and put a hand on her hip.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I furrowed my brows.

"That... Terrifying shouting."

"Um... Um... I was, uh, imitating a dying seal?" I said uncertainly, trying not to sound stupid. Needless to say, it didn't work.

"Nice try," she chuckled. "Which book are we in?" she whispered.

"The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm," I whispered back.

"Alright, thanks. Let's get outta here before Tara starts yelling at us."

"I so agree."


It took me a couple tries to get back. Even though she easily could have gone before me and left me here to fend for herself, Iris let me go first.

The reason why I'd had to find Iris was because we need to know what kind of device (if we switch into something electronic) or the name of the book we switch into in order to switch back.


I opened my eyes seconds before Iris did to see a worried Tara and Carson. I immediately looked away from Carson, and focused on Tara.

"Carson told me you guys went into a book!" she exclaimed anxiously.

"Sure did," I grumbled.

"So, how was your first book jump Bailey? Was it fun? Did you like it? Who'd you meet? Did you follow the rules?" Tara interrogated.

"We're fine Tara," Iris interrupted. I nodded my agreement. I met her eyes, silently asking her about Carson, conveying the message with my eyes. She smiled, but I knew it was forced and fake.

Ris got up, dusted off her clothes, and brushed past Carson. I quickly followed her.

"Ris?" I asked.

"Go away," she grumbled, hiding her face behind a dark curtain of hair. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"Listen up, and listen close. Ris, I would never do anything to hurt you. You know I don't like Carson that way. We're only friends, and he's two years older than me. Besides..." I trailed off, unsure what to do or say after that.

She looked into my eyes. "I believe you," she decided. "Now tell me, what's on your mind? Boys?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I groaned and pushed my head into my hands to hide the blush that painted itself on my cheeks. "Yes," I admitted, but it came out muffled.

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