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Make sure you get the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. God, I love that show. 

My best friend’s words echoed in my mind as if she were standing right next to me as I picked up the DVD box set from its shelf.  Alli had decided to stay in the car while I went shopping for the essentials and lugged the cart around Wal-Mart.  I’d protested at first — the authorities had suggested that we stick together after what we’d seen — but I gave up when I realized we both needed some alone time.  Even if my alone time had to be spent in a crowded, noisy superstore, it was better than being stuck to Alli like rubber cement.  After all, we had separate rooms back at her uncle’s.  I could escape anytime I wanted, though it would be considerably harder with she and her family around. 

I put the box set in the cart next to the necessities:  three bags of  Doritos (each a different flavor), mint stuffed Oreos, and two twenty-four packs, one of Dr. Pepper and one of Code Red Mountain Dew.  Then I moved on to place the latest Harry Potter movie on top of it.  Alli liked her some Angel, and I liked me some Draco Malfoy.  We each had our quirks, including infatuations with fictional characters, and we’d learned to accept and tolerate them.  She could have as many Angel posters as she could tape to her walls, and I could leave my Harry Potter calendar on Draco’s month all year if I so wished.  We were very understanding friends.

After I went through the checkout line, I popped a couple white Tic-Tacs in my mouth to feed my addiction and pushed my cart out into the cool air of early spring.  I strolled along toward the car, content with my thoughts until the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and I got the distinct sensation I was being watched.

Oh God. Is it them? Have they found us? I thought, picking up my pace to a brisk walk.  I pushed on to the car… except it wasn’t my car.  Alli must have moved it.

Dammit, Alli, this is not the time for games.  I turned around to find two men in the parking lot behind me.  They could’ve been anyone, but I had a hunch that they were my trackers.  After living in Chicago nearly all my life, I'd learned to trust my instincts.

One was rather tall, maybe six-foot-something, and had dark auburn hair.  I could spot the smirk on his face a mile away.  Not exactly inconspicuous, but he could've been an inexperienced (or just stupid) stalker. 

The other appeared to be a bit older, maybe in his mid to late twenties, with dirty blonde hair and a creepily calm air to him.  Other people may have just written him off to be a mellow, normal guy, but I noticed something… off about him.  Even at a distance, his aura put me on edge.  It had that come-hither feeling that attracted kids to pedophiles.  The Candy Effect, as I called it.  I tended to avoid anyone who had even a hint of that quality.  Again, something I learned in the Windy City.

I left the full cart next to the unknown vehicle and scurried through the maze of parked cars, hoping to stay out of sight.  Hidden safely behind a large pick-up, I slipped my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Alli’s number.  After one ring, she answered. 

“Logan? Where are you?”

“That’s my line. You moved the car on me!” I hissed into the receiver, stealing a glance around the huge truck to try and spot my pursuers.  No luck.

“Sorry. I was trying to get away from this creepy ginger who kept trying to talk to me.”  Creepy ginger, huh?  Three guesses who that might be. “I’m on the other side of the parking lot now. Should I come back?”

“Make it quick. I think I’m being followed, and they didn’t look like good news.”

Her voice darkened as she said, “Be there in a sec.” And then she disconnected.  I returned my phone to my pocket and backed away from the truck—

—right into someone else.

Instantly their hands were on me, holding my body against them and covering my mouth to muffle my screams.  I struggled as much as I could, to no avail.  My gut told me that this was the cocky stalker Alli had escaped and I’d seen behind me. 

“Don’t worry, love,” he said, his breath tickling my ear. “We won’t hurt you.”

“Don’t lie to her, Jaz,” came another voice from behind us.  Suddenly I was free, my captor ripped off of me, and I ran forward, too scared to think of doing anything else.  Seconds later, it occurred to me to try to get a good look at them, both the stalker and my savior.  I forced my legs to stop moving and whirled around, squinting to see with the glare of the afternoon sun.  One was the redhead from earlier — definitely the stalker.  The other, currently punching this “Jaz” repeatedly in the face, was a muscular dark-haired man I didn’t recognize.  Their movements were so fast I could barely tell who was winning, and honestly, I didn’t want to stick around to meet the victor. 

The screeching of car tires attracted my attention.  I whipped around and found Alli pulling to a halt about ten yards away.  I covered the distance in no time flat, nearly throwing myself into the front seat.  My friend stared, not at me, but at the supernatural brawl unfolding beside us.  The damage they’d inflicted on the automobiles and blacktop was equivalent to what a bomb could do.  If Alli could see it too, I wasn’t crazy, which is always a plus.

“What are they?” Alli asked, aghast at the scene.

“No idea;  just drive!” I shrieked.  We sped off without a second glance. 


 So this is my first attempt at posting a story.  Sorry this chapter is super short;  I meant it to be an intro, a hook per se.  Please vote or comment;  I would really appreciate some sort of feedback.  Thanks for reading, folks. :)

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