Chapter 11

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Liam's POV:

"No I'm not going to make it to work."I say to Harry through the phone, and quickly say goodbye to end the call.

I rush back to the bathroom where Niall is still hunched over the toilet, gagging and spitting. I kneel next to him and he rests his head onto my shoulder. "I feel disgusting" he exclaims and gags again, nothing coming out of his sore throat.

"I really think we should see a doctor, Niall. Your bruises will heal, but you're scarred here" I say and softly tap on his forehead while putting him down onto the sofa.

"I don't want to tell it to other people." he says and I rub my forehead. "Start by telling it to me then?" I ask and he nods.

So he tells me how his 'date' said he would drive him home, it was overall a good date, but they stopped at his house. He dragged Niall out the car, saying that he wanted one drink, only one. But he locked Niall up in a room and at night he came back and made Niall have sex with him. Ni's not a virgin, but it still hurt like hell.

"How did you get so many bruises?" I ask and Niall bites his lip. "The second night I knew what was coming so I braced myself. I actually slapped him with one of the vibrators, but he kicked my shins and head and I was on the floor and he didn't stop kicking" Niall trembles and winces so I pull him into my arms.

"We're going to get him locked up, okay? You won't ever have to see him again. He won't touch you" I promise and Niall smiles softly at me.

"Zayn found me" Niall says a couple minutes later and I nod, brushing with my fingers through his hair. "He saved my life" Niall mumbled and curled his knees to his chest.

"Don't do that love, you can't breath well like that" I say and un-curl him, laying his head in my lap. "I'm so glad I have you" he breaths and closes his eyes.

The door bell goes and I frown, standing up and walking to the front door. When I open it Zayn appears in the doorway with a soft smile. "Zayn?"

"Hey..err...I wanted to check up on Niall? If that's alright?" he asks shyly and I nod stepping aside. "Why aren't you at work?" I ask and he bites his lip and shrugs. He walks over to Niall and sits down next to him, smiling softly when he sees that my blond friend's asleep.

"He's scarred" Zayn mumbles and I nod, grabbing us both drinks and sitting in the recliner. "I'm going to take him to the doctors later today. He'll tell Niall he has to see a therapist" Zayn nods at my words and the frown between his eyebrows disappears when he looks at Niall's face again.

"Who can put Niall through that? He's so...innocent and small, you just want to cuddle him and make sure he's safe wherever he goes" Zayn mumbles more to himself than to me.

The way Zayn looks at him, pure adoration. "I'll go wash the dishes and clean up. Make yourself at home, call me if he wakes up okay?" I ask and Zayn nods, running his finger through Niall's hair.

Later, when I'm done cleaning vomit off the ground and switching the sheets, washing the dishes and cleaning clothes, I walk back to the living room and see Niall curled around Zayn completely, both asleep with Zayn's protective arm around Niall's chest.

I sigh deeply, a smile forming onto my lips at the sight of them.

My phone begins ringing and I quickly press answer so the cute boys on the couch won't wake up. "Hello?" I whisper. "Liam? Hey it's Harry, why are you whispering?" he asks, softly. "Niall's asleep" I whisper. "Oh! he's back, glad to hear that." he says.

"So, what are you calling for? Is there a problem?" I ask. "No, not at all. I just wanted to talk to you about the offer-..."

"Shit! I forgot! It's already been 4 days, more even!"

Picture Perfect (Lirry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon