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               Fira set the tea down, walked over, and pulled the covers up to reveal the boy she had helped during the night. “Who are you, what do you want, and why are you even here?” she questioned. The boy stood up dusting himself off. He took his coat off of the bed and reached into a pocket pulling out a letter. He handed it to her then he put his jacket back on. Fira took the letter; she broke the wax seal that was on it, took out the note, and read the contents.

               Fira put the note back into the envelope. “So your name is Daniel, you are a guardian, you have come here to protect me, and whatever else the note said,” Fira stated. Daniel nodded still not speaking a word. “Wait a minute if you were there the whole time then, you didn’t see me change did you!” Fira shouted with her face turning red. He shook his head no. “Can you even talk?” Fira watched him as he walked over to the door and opened it as if she was royalty.

             He stood there waiting for her to walk out. Fira decided to go along with this and went out with him following behind. She walked to the front door and stepped out into the cold mountain air. The mansion was located farther into the mountain away from town. Since the car accident killing her parents and injured her aunt, she had come to live up in the mountains.

          She always felt at peace, never feeling sadness or anger. “Madam, your private riding lessons, you should start soon before lunch,” a deep voice broke her thoughts as she spun around to see a tall man holding a strawberry roan horse by the reigns. He was about six foot, he was much more muscular than Daniel, (who was very slender and in about the same height), and had short spiked blonde hair. He wore a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked at her with amber eyes waiting for a reply.

          Fira nodded also adding in, “I will be finished with the lesson before lunch is even called.” She smiled a little. Daniel looked at the blonde man.

         “What is your name sir?” Daniel spoke making Fira turn around with her mouth to the ground. She hadn’t heard him speak a word until now. Fira quickly shut her mouth after hearing a cough from Daniel.

          The tall blonde responded to Daniel, “My name is Sam.” He smiled revealing pure white teeth.

          “Hmm, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Daniel smiled and bowed then straightened himself up. “If you need me I will be up in the guest room,” and with that he went back inside. Fira went up to the horse talking softly and swung onto its back. She fixed herself into the saddle before taking off onto the forest trail leading to her riding instructor. As she rode along Fira could catch a faint howl coming from the forest.  

          The horse tensed up with the feeling of something watching. Fira began to also tense up and looked around. All she could see was a dark shadow covering the trees and blocking any sunlight there was. Another howl was heard, but this time closer. After the third to fourth howl the horse reared up and bolted taking Fira for a bumpy ride.

         The roan soon came to a fallen log, next jumpy over it and knocking Fira off the horse while screaming out. The horse continued on as Fira got up with cuts on her arms from the fall. Her socks were torn, so was part of her dress. Even one of her bows was missing. More howls were heard followed by growls. Red eyes stared at her from the sides of the forest.

         Fira trembled in fear; she wanted to scream, but instead ran for her life into the forest. Barks followed after her, chasing her deeper into the forest. She stumbled along trying to keep her distance, but failed to lose them. She found a small clearing with light and a huge tree in the center. Fira climbed up, now in tatters, to avoid the wolves from tearing her to shreds. The wolves bounded into the clearing, barking, growling, and snapping at the air around her.

       Each wolf had glowing red eyes and black smoke colored fur. They even had smoke surround them. “Wait a minute. Wolves don’t have smoke come off of them? W-w-what are they?” Fira stuttered. She finally let out a scream scattering birds into the air. As she continued screaming a blur of silver flashed by her and she was lifted up. Her eyes were shut tight thinking the wolves had got her.

       A voice spoke to her, “You can open your eyes mistress.” Fira slowly opened her eyes to see her being carried by Daniel, but they weren’t on the ground. Instead they were flying up into the gray sky. Fira looked to see Daniel having two silver feathered wings on his back, flapping them into the air. 

     “Whoa, ah HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” Fira kept shaking her head hoping this was just a dream. Daniel laughed at her then landed down onto ground back at the front of the mansion. Before anyone could see, he hid his wings when Sam came jogging up.

     “Are you alright mistress? I heard a scream then went to see if you were alright, but the trainer said you never made it a-and,” Sam ran out of breath trying to get air back into his lungs.

    “I’m fine I-I think I will go clean up now and maybe even take a nap. Please do not disturb me,” Fira pushed passed Daniel going inside the mansion to clean up. She took a quick shower, and then changed into purple tank top and white shorts. She then fell into her bed falling asleep soon afterwards.

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