Chapter 12

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2 Years Previously...

     "Daddy?" a small girl asked. "Why can't I see the stars?"

     Hope was standing out on their apartment balcony, amidst all the sounds of a bustling New York. She always was fascinated with the concept of the stars, but due to living in the heart of the city Hope was never quite able to see them. Ben walked out and picked up his child.

     "Well, it's because of the smog," Ben explained.

     "Smog?" Hope asked. "What's smog?"

     "It's kind of like a cloud," Ben answered. "It comes from all of the cars and factories. The smog obscures the stars, but they're always there."

     "Even though I can't see them?" Hope asked.

     Ben smiled, "Yes, even though you can't see them. Just because you can't see them, it doesn't mean that they aren't there."

     He stood with his daughter, whom he loved more than life itself.

     "What are you two doing?" a woman asked, strolling out of the apartment to stand with them.

     "I was just explaining the concept of smog to our toddler," Ben replied, smiling.

     Diana gave him an odd look, " about we talk about something else?"

     "A star!" Hope suddenly explained.

     Ben squinted his eyes, "Uh, no I think that's actually a heli--"

     "Wow!" Diana cut in. "Good eye Hope! That's a beautiful star."

     Ben stopped and smiled. He stood with his family in perfect serenity. They were closer than close could be.

     They were one.

Present Day...

     Ben had taken the files with him when he stormed out of Frederick's house. He stood by the ocean, the salty sea air whipping him in the face. In his hand he held the files, and Ben looked down on them with tears in his eyes.

     The day was beautiful and clear. Puffy white clouds dotted the sky, and boats could be seen out on the horizon as Ben tore the documents in half. Then, he dumped the contents into the ocean.

     They had lied to him.

     Ben kicked himself for not listening to his gut, which had clearly given him the instinct not to listen to them. Under the false knowledge that his family was still alive, Ben had unwillingly played into the palm of the Black Dragon's hands. Now, a vigilante assassin was running around with their artifact and working for an unknown client. Ben clenched his hands in anger, letting the knuckles turn white. He could feel the blood rushing through his ears as a single word echoed through his mind:


     It was all he could think of, and the only way he knew he could get revenge was by taking the very thing the Black Dragon needed. As if coming full circle, he would take from the terrorist organization in the same manner as they had taken from him. 

     He would steal the Stone of Ascension and destroy it. 

     The biggest problem was the Silver Assassin, because his whereabouts were unknown. He was going to need to be tracked and confronted.

     Ben turned away from the water, and his past, as he looked back into the city. He would find a way to kill the Silver Assassin.

     But first, he needed materials.

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