Piercing Screams

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A child has been born!! *SCREECHES* And now, she's all alone,
except for one... the child's father, Damion. Her father wanted boy, he wanted him to play sports, and hoped he would do any, and everything for him... but, no... he got a girl who killed his wife at birth! He went into the delivery room to find everyone... dead? Just laying there, dead... he stared at the newly found victims until, he heard crying. He followed the sound to the side of the bed, in which his recently deceased wife, Jenifer, was in. Beside the bed was his new born daughter... he knew she was somehow the cause of this, however he also knew he would get the blame for it, so, he picked up the infant, in disgust and ran out of the hospitable with her. He placed her in the backseat, ad drove home as quickly as possible, without breaking the law. When they finally arrived home, the nameless child's father got out of the car, just to slam the door and leave her to spend her first of many nights alone. When she was 3 years old, her father decided to give her a nickname of sorts... Freak,
was what he had finally decided on. At the age of 12, she finally found a friend, Issac. He was her best friend, and her only... She had always warned him not to scare her, but 3 months after they meet, he jumped out of a bush... and scared her... she screamed, and he dropped dead... like her mother, and everyone else in the hospitable room, that day. Once she had finally realized her one, and only friend was dead, and it was her fault, she just fell to her knees, and cried for hours... when she was out of tears, she ran home, and told her father everything that had happen... wrong move.... "WHY YOU LITTLE", he started "I KNEW YOU WOULD DO IT AGAIN! I SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT YOU IN THAT HOSPITABLE!", he screamed at her, scaring her a little. She ran to her room, however her father was quick. He grabbed a knife out of it's holder, and followed her up the stairs silently, hopping she wouldn't hear him, which she didn't.
Once they where both up stairs, her in her room, under her bed, and him outside the door, her father anxiously waited for his daughter to come out of her room, in a false since of hope that he wasn't there. Sadly, this happen, and when she opened the door to her black, empty bedroom, her father stabbed her in the shoulder, however for the first time in her life she wasn't able to feel the pain her father brought her, or any pain for that matter. This angered her father, however it made her feel as if she had the upper hand in this, and she did. She wasn't about to just scream and get his death over with, NO! HE WAS GOING TO SUFFER LIKE SHE DID FOR THOSE DREADFUL 12 YEARS OF HER LIFE! She smiled an evil smile, a smile so sinister it even scared him! She grabbed the knife before her father could even realize what was happening. But when he did,
he also realized her sanity was gone, no sign of it anywhere! First, she stabbed him above his right ankle, causing him to fall. He went down with a load crash, also banging his head against the wall. His head hit the wall so hard that he passed out! While, he was out, his daughter stabbed him above his other ankle, so that when he came to, he wouldn't be able to limp away. She was strong there was no denying it, she was even strong enough to lift his limp body. She carried him, and a chair to her fathers shed out back, she wasn't aloud in there, so she thought it would be the perfect place to go. She sat him on the chair, holding him in place as well as she could while she grabbed some rope. She quickly tied him up seeing that he was starting to come to. She silently, and stealthy leaped behind him, so that he would not see
her. Once he had finally snapped out of his unconscious trance, he realized he was in his shed, he tried to stand but soon after realized he was tied to the chair he sat in, and quite well if he had to say. When his daughter jumped behind him, she tripped over an object on the floor. She looked at it, and felt almost like she was being drawn to it. S o she picked it up, only to be knocked out of her trance by her father's screams for help. She heard something, it sounded like it was coming from inside her head, it said in a very calm, and deep voice," Do it child." Before she knew it she was in front of her father. She swung the hatchet she possessed in her hand, and stopped it right before
it could hit it's target, his neck. She giggled innocently, and asked him if she should do it in a taunting voice, she knew she was going to do it anyway, so she decided to have a little fun with it. "Come on Freak, we both know you couldn't kill your loving, generous, handsome, hot dad, could you?", he said with a smirk, that just made her sick. "First, I'm no longer Freak, I am Piercing Screams, the one who can kill you with a single scream! And second< I would, could, and-", she meant down in beside him, so that she could whisper in his ear "will!" With that, she jolted back up, in an insane fit of laughter. "Wait!", her cowardly father called out, ending her laughter. "What?", she asked harshly "Will you at least tell me one last thing before you kill me?", he asked. She saw it fair to grant him this one wish, so she did. "Fear the silent ones, they're the deadliest!", she yelled directly before she swung the hatchet over, and over again, until she heard sirens. She mentally cussed, as she ran from her father's dead corpse, and into the woods.

You may be wondering how I know this, well... because I'm the one now known
as Piercing Screams! And I'm waiting for you... to fear the silent ones, They truly are the deadliest!

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