On My Way

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On My Way is a paranormal story I started writing for a class assignment but a few of my classmates said that it was really good so I decided to share it with Watt pad. I hope you enjoy It, read on, and don’t forget to Review/Comment. :] Amora>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 1!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               Mr. Leighton stood at the board with a black marker in hand “What is Social Psychology?” he asked the class.

 This was my chance to finally impress him; I hesitantly raised my hand, but his voice stopped me. I choked out a “damn” under my breath. He drew out his words his voice smooth velvet.

                “Social Psychology is the scientific study of the way people think about, feel, and behave in social situations. It involves understanding how people influence, and are influenced by, others around them.”  I narrowed my eyes at him, still sulking from my missed opportunity.

            He leaned against the door casually, his hands crossed across his broad chest, his shoulders were as wide as the door, not letting light stream through. His icy blue eyes skimmed across the room as my eyes traveled from his black chucks, to his faded jeans and tight printed tee.

                                     “Mr. Wolfe Could you please join the class, and take your seat?”

                He walked my way, his strut nonchalant before taking a seat in front of me, slouching soundlessly into the metal constricting chair. Mr. Leighton continued with his lecture as if the mysterious new man hadn’t entered the room.

            “Scholars in this interdisciplinary area are typically either psychologists or sociologists, though all social psychologists employ both the individual and the group as their units of analysis”

                I wasn’t listening to Mr. Leighton as he was lecturing us; I was too busy staring at the muscular back of tall, dark and sexy.

            “For the next three months, you’ll be working on a project with partners.” He started listing the partners off his clipboard, while glancing briefly at each person, calling out their last names. “Marcy with Morgan, Killer with Anton, Delgado with Jo-Elise, Rodriguez with Brown...”          

                I sort of dozed off as he continued to list the partnerships until he said what I probably didn’t hear incorrectly…“Last but certainly not least Craminzallo with Wolfe.” He glanced up from his clipboard with to smile sweetly at the class before announcing. “This project will probably make up thirty percent of your interactive final exam this semester, so I suggest you take this seriously and do your very best.”

                 Before I could raise my hand to ask Mr. Leighton who I was partnered with, Wolfe turned my way and with a lazy grin and said “Guess you’re my partner, huh?" Thus confirming what I didn't want to believe. "Yea, guess so" I responded as he turned to the front of the classroom again.

                “In case some of you aren’t aware this is Social Psychology class, so for the next 90 days students, you’ll be doing a whole lot of observing. You will observe how your partner acts in social situations, how partner reacts under duress, anxiety, and pressure. As you leave this class today I will give you each a sheet that lists different activities that you may choose to participate in, They Are optional. At the end of the three months you will write a lengthy report of 5,000 words including everything you have observed, so take notes, observe your partner closely, keep a dated journal, record in it daily because I will be looking at it and most of all; learn.” With his arms crossed behind his back Mr. Leighton looked at us intently. “You and your partner will be spending a lot of quality time together this semester so I suggest you spend sometime sorting things out, got it?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2012 ⏰

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