2. - Edited

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Abby - Edited

I lived to see the day when I was actually on time for my morning class, which today was all the way on the other side of campus. I knew I had the potential to be there even fifteen minutes early, but in all honesty, I needed coffee more than punctuality. Even though the lines at the small cafe were outrageous and always the cause for me running late, I couldn't survive the three lectures I had every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday without a large coffee - two sugars, no cream.

I had just unlocked my dorm room door, throwing my unneeded purse and wallet onto the couch and gathering my books when someone felt the need to knock on my door. At nine in the morning, I wasn't exactly in the mood to be polite and have a conversation with someone, mainly because I hadn't finished my drink; and I was still running late.

I jogged over to the door, books in hand and probably a frazzled look on my face, before I threw it open, a breeze blowing my hair all over place in the process. And when I finally got my bearings and looked at my unwanted guest, my heart stopped - then started beating once more at a rate that couldn't be healthy.

The one and only Zachary Green stood just outside my door. Unless this was some sort of sick prank the people above were playing, I didn't doubt for a second he was real; and just as handsome and daunting as ever.

His green eyes were still bright, just like I remembered. His figure still loomed over mine, maybe even having grown a few inches since I last saw him in that crowded, sweaty and loud gym on graduation night.

"Uh, hey. You may, uh, not remember me but we went to high school together. I'm Zach Green."

I snapped out of whatever lust-driven daydream I had been in when the always calm and collected tough guy actually fumbled with his words while speaking to me - Miss Plain Jane Extraordinaire.

His voice hadn't changed, and neither had the smile that he awkwardly flashed me at the end of his little ramble. As if I wouldn't remember him; his face had been the only thing I'd seen for the last six months - literally.

The best football player in the nation switching schools to play for a little football team in the middle of Arizona didn't go unnoticed by anyone around campus. For weeks, big banners informing students when his first game as the leader of our team would be hung outside the stadium and dining hall, and I'd even seen people carrying around those huge cardboard heads with Zach's face on it.

I expected to see him around campus and I was beyond excited, but my brain still couldn't get over the fact that he was standing here in front of me, talking to me and smiling at me. I must be in some kind of twilight zone.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

How could I forget the person to hug me on graduation night? Who gave me the greatest kiss of my life even though it was only on the cheek? Call it what you want, but even back then, my petty feelings went way past normal high school crush, and probably way past normal in general - thinking back on it now.

But then I realized I hadn't answered him either times he spoke, and I could psychically see he was becoming more and more nervous.

"Uh, yeah, hi. I - I mean, of course I remember you, I'm Abby."

I played it so cool.

"Yeah," he chuckled, relaxing a little now that I'd finally broken the awkward aura even though I felt like I only made it worse. I wasn't even going to bother to check the time, knowing I was already five minutes late, what's another ten? Besides, it's not every day the most sought after guy on campus, and the boy I've been fantasizing about since the eighth grade is outside your door, wanting to talk to you.

Zach and AbbyWhere stories live. Discover now