Chapter 1

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Pic to the side is Promise. Its just a random pic I found on google and thats who she looks like to me.
24/ 10/ 2015


The greatest thing in life is waking up and knowing that God granted us the privilege of seeing another day.
"Mommy wake up", a tiny voice squealed
Yup that's my daughter.
"Mommyyyy", she groaned as she struggled to roll me off the bed " time for church".
"Five more minutes Missy", I groaned as I pulled my pillow over my head
"Mommy!", she groaned
Groaning in reply, I stood up and dragged my feet to the bathroom. One look in the mirror had me cringing; I looked awful. My hair was all over the place seeing that I didn't have the time of the day to fix it last night.
"Mommy", I looked over to the doorway to see Promise glaring at me with her hands on her hips. I really don't blame her since I had been thinking of laying on the bathroom floor.
"Yes baby", I sighed pouting
"Can we go to church today?", she asked
Her bushy eyebrows united as she jutted her bottom lip out. Her curly hair was frizzy and everywhere, her green nightie clung to her skin like second skin and was almost two sizes too small.
Life's hard. I can barely take care of my own daughter and try to make her happy. I had Promise at the age of fifteen and now my little girl's two. My parents kicked me out of their house when I got pregnant. Being fifteen, pregnant and homeless is no joke. I had to quit school for a whole year and find a job to take care of myself and the baby. I had no support whatsoever from anyone. People now look at me like I'm scrub underneath their shoe. But do I care? No, I don't. I love my daughter and nothing can change that.
"No church?", she asked
"No baby not today", I shrugged as she sighed and turned around to my bed.
My heart broke as Promise dragged her feet to our make-shift bed. She sat on it and held her tiny face in the palm of her hand. I stood in the doorway and watched as a tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
"Come here Missy", I whispered. She got up and ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my legs. Her cries were muffled against my thighs as I lifted her up in my arms. "Sorry baby. We'll go next Sunday God spear life. You know what? Let's get ice-cream instead."
Instead of her being like normal two year olds, she shrugged.
"Whatever you want baby. Anything you want Missy and I'll give it. Just name it", I whispered
"Cotton candy?", she asked
"Maybe if you turn that frown upside down and give me that cute smile I love, then yeah", I shrugged
"Okay momma!", she yelled
"That's my baby! Now let's get changed", I shouted
Promise wiggled her body until I let her go to the floor. She skipped over to the cornor and fished for clothing in her basket. After she got them, she laid them on our bed and skipped to the bathroom where we took a bath together.
When we were done, I dressed her in her favorite green hi lo shirt and black leggings. Then I added her slippers and hair acessory after I brushed her hair. I sat her on a chair and put on my clothes, which consisted of an overlarge t-shirt and jeans with a pair of converse. Yeah you guessed it, I'd sacrifice everything for Promise. Even if it means spicing her up and remaining plain.
I just love my girl.
"Mommy hurry!", Promise exclaimed. I laughed at her silliness and grabbed her hand as we left our home.

Welllll? What do you say?
Not everyone's life can be perfect. Everyone makes mistake that they're not proud of. Btw this whole book is dedicated to four of my friends.

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