You two act like you hate each other but you secretly fancy each other

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You two act like you hate each other but you secretly fancy each other

"Wow, you look like a slag dancing with those blokes," Zayn had commented when you had sat at the table.

You were out with the boys having a good time at the club but unfortunately almost as if it was religiously, Zayn had to ruined your mood. You felt offended at his insult and turned your angry eyes to him

"Says the one who slept with a different gal every night on your last tour," You bit back.

Zayn scoffed and downed his beer "Your just jealous," He said smugly as he adjusted his shirt.

You laughed dryly "Jealous? of what? That I'm not with a tool? a jerk? that I didn't get to sleep with a man whore?, yeah right" You said as you drank from your bottle of water.

Zayn had fallen silent when you insulted him, "I'm leaving since all you seem to care about is what a slag you think I am," You announced as you went to stand up but Zayns questioned stopped you.

"You really think I'm all those things you said?" He asked

"Well, you haven't given me any other reasons to think differently," You told him surprised by his question.

"I don't think your a slag [Y/N], I'm just a jealous douche bag and I really think your an amazing beautiful girl," Zayn said as he placed his hand over yours.

You blushed at the contact and smiled slightly "You have a lot of making up to do Malik!"

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