Chapter Five

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I hid in the bathroom for the remainder of my Biology class. No one came looking for me and I figured Mrs. Laverty was sparing me the embarrassment of having to walk back into class. I felt so embarrassed for falling and so angry for how my class treated me. Everyone person in this school was a serious asshole.

When I felt as though I could handle myself better, and the anxiety began to subside, I decided to leave the bathroom stall I was hiding in. I went to Haley's locker, writing her a note and sticking it through the slot.

It read,

"Haley, this school sucks. I'm leaving early, I'll call you later.

- Faith"

After depositing the note, I walked right out the school doors. No one stopped me, and I don't think I would have cared if they had tried. After finding my car in the parking lot, a blue Toyota Corolla, I climbed in and began to drive home.

I wished more than anything I could talk to my mom at that moment. I wanted for her to be there so badly, for me to cry on her shoulder and tell her everything that was going on. I always told my mom everything and she always knew how to make me feel better, always giving the best advice. I knew I could talk to my dad about what was going on, but I also knew I would never. It was harder to talk to my dad about these things than it had been with my mom, especially about a boy and even more so about a boy who was basically harassing me at school. My dad would not allow that, ever.

When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my dad was home from work. Since my mom passed he had returned to work but had adjusted his hours so that he was back by the time I got home from school. He never told me that he did this, but I assumed since he would never be home before five o'clock before the accident happened.

I leaned my head against the steering wheel and took a deep breath. I knew I needed to make sure I didn't wear any of today's events on my face when I walked into the house. My dad was too good at reading my face and the last thing I wanted to do was tell him or lie about what had happened. Once I was sure I could hold myself together, I grabbed my backpack and made my way into the house.

Dad was in the kitchen, making snack when I walked in. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey dad."

"Hey honey, how was school? You hungry?" he asked. He was making Tostitos chips with cheese and salsa on them. They smelled amazing in the oven and I was starving since I opted to skip lunch earlier.

"School was the same as always. I'm starving, lunch was gross today."

"I always hated that cafeteria food." He said as he took the Tostitos out of the oven and put a few on two plates for us.

I sat at the breakfast bar, letting the food cool off before digging in. Dad used to make this snack when we would have family Yatzee nights. I wondered if he thought of those nights as often as I did.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I was mid bite in my delicious snack. I took it out to see that Haley had texted me. When I opened the message she wrote,

"Way to ditch early. Heard more rumors, but cant wait to hear your side. Don't forget about the movies tonight!"

I tried not to sigh at her text, not wanting to give my dad a reason to question me. Of course there had already been more rumors going around about me, but this time, they were probably true. I was sure everyone was already talking about my wipe out in class and how Ash had tried to help me before called me a "klutz" in front of everyone. With this following the rumor about me denying Ash's kiss, I couldn't say I would be shocked if people were saying that I had rejected him twice and that was his way of revenge. I wouldn't put it passed some people to even say he tripped me himself even though he was nowhere near me and he had tried to help me up.

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