The Fight

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I woke up to the sound of yelling. I immediately shot up from where I was laying before I was woken up, because it sounded like fighting. I then identified it as Olympia and Percy's voices. What's going on? I was standing up to go see what has happening when I felt a soreness in my stomach. I grimaced, while grabbing my stomach. Oh yeah, I forgot, I got stabbed. I went a little slower, but I managed to get on my feet. I followed the sound of their voices, which were behind a door. I pushed open the door to see Olympia scream in anger and storm out right beside me. She grabbed her bag and ran out the door, I could see the glimmer of a tear on her cheek. "What the hell happened?" I yelled to Percy. He looked at me and just walked out another door. I hadn't even noticed Nico standing over in the corner. "Percy is still being influenced by the spell, and Olypmia tried to explain it to him, but he refuses to believe her." I sighed and put my hands on my head. "Let me try to tell Olympia to come back." Nico nodded and went back over to the corner, and he sat down in one of the wooden chairs by the big round table that was sitting there. I focused on Olympia in my mind, trying to find her. I kept searching and searching, and when I found her, I tried to call for her. But there was a door blocking my way to her head. I started pounding on the door, screaming for Olympia. But she refused to let me in. "Shit. She is trying to lock me out of her head. Permanentely." I said to Nico, my voice laced with annoyance and anger. "Okay. Nico, how about you stayhere and try to get Percy to break out of the spell. Also look and see if there are any books here on how to do it. Find him and do NOT let him out of your sight. I'm going to go and try to find Olympia and talk some sense into her." I went and grabbed my bag. Nico came over to me and kissed me gently on the lips, "Be careful." I smiled and nodded. I put my bag around my shoulders and I started the journey up the many, many, flights of stairs. After what seemed to be hours, I was finally up all of the stairs. I got up to the lobby, and I ran out the front doors. People were looking at me weird, but I ignored them. I stepped over to the window and I started focusing on Olympia. I was trying to find where she might be. I was looking throughout the city in my mind, I was going wherever my heart led me. I immediately spotted her at a cafe a few blocks away. She was sitting in the corner, just sitting there. I had to get to her before she could figure out I was coming. I took off running, weaving in and out of crowds of people. I didn't wait for the light to go off that signals for pedestrians to cross the road. People were honking at me as I crossed the road. I finally got to the cafe after running the entire way there. I stopped and crouched down, my hands on top of my knees. I sat there for a moment, getting my breathe. When my heart was finally beating normal, I walk in the cafe. A bell jingled when I pushed the door open. Olympia seemed to be lost in thought, so I walked over to her booth without her noticing me. She didn't look up at me until I sat across from her. She looked up at me, anger, but also sadness written all over face. I sighed. "Olympia. You know you can't just run away from all of your problems." Olympia looked down at her hands. " I know. But I couldn't think of anything else to do. The man I lo...." She trailed off. I raised my eyebrows and she looked up at me and laughed. "What was that Olympia?The man I....?" She slapped her hands on the table, "Yes. Okay I think I'm in love with Percy. Scratch that, I know I'm in love with him. And he doesn't even love me back." I shook my head. "No. He does love you. It's not his fault that he is under a spell. He does love you, but he isn't himself right now. And Nico is trying to fix everything okay. So how about we go back and try to sort things out?" I asked,hopeful that Olympia would agree. She seemed unsure, "I don't know..Look, I'll go back, but I'm not going to be talking to Percy anytime soon alright?" I smiled. "That's what you think." She gave me a questioning look, but she just stood up and told me to come on.

A World All On It's OwnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora