Percy Jackson?

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It was only the second week of a new year at camp and mr. D (Dionysus) hated half the kids here.
We were sitting out on the padio of the big house. Like usual we sat around playing cards and drinking coke. Considering thats the only thing Zues let him drink. Even hearing grape juice come from mr.Ds mouth angered Zues. Sometimes hed slip and thunder would echo throu the sky. Everytime I laughed because I knew zues still thought of mr. D as a child.

"The winds are changing," Carly said looking off towards the woods, "I think something or someone is coming towards camp."

I looked towards Mr.D as he chuckled, "Nothing is coming I assure u. Its probly one of those aweful brats....hooligans."

I shook my head. Idk why but I felt it as well. The way the air seemed more muggy. I looked to half blood hill. There was thalia's tree. One of the best friends id ever had and the only remeberance was some tree. She protected us with her spirit now. If anything were coming I trusted her to protect us and she knew it.

The thing that scared me most thou was the dark clouds outside the border. 'Normal storm clouds' I thought but something else was off way off. It felt almost dark like it was waiting....waiting for someone but who?

I could hear her, Thalia. Something was really wrong. Temptation ran throu me. I jolted out of my seat and broke into a sprint. Carly and Mr. D yelling to come back slowly drifted off into nothing. I ran through the woods quickly. Id ran these woods all my life but never this quick. Maybe I was excited about the fact that maybe finally id be able to see something from the outside. The one place id never been.

I finally made it to the clearing. There near thalias tree stood two people and about ten feet the other side stood a hydra.....with way more then three heads. Who were these idiots didnt they know you cant cut off a hyra head!

I ran towards them. As I grew closer I recognized they were boys, above all i knew the taller boy....well saytr actually.

"Grover!" I yelled as I approached him.

"Thank god (y/n) im glad your here. We could use the help."

"Do u have a sword?" I asked as the hydra began to build up fire in its mouth.

Grover shook and scratched his head "sorry I did but ummm it ate it..."

"Ugh just grab your friend and get behind me."

"But I..."

"Now Grover!" I yelled

The hydra heads spewed fire from their mouths. Quick grover grabbed his friend and stood behind.

As the flames hit I held up my arms holding them ensuring no harm came to the boys or thalias tree.

I pushed the flames back towards the hydra.

"Get him in the border!" I yelled while once again reflecting the firey breathes. Grover grabbed the other boy and ran as quickly as possible for the border. Now that they were safe I could get rid of this damn thing.

From the flames of the hydra I drew a brass sword forged by my own father. Id used this sword in ever battle and now once again I would do it justice. I charged the hydra, harnessing the nights power I was easily able to dodge on coming heads. I bound off each one quickly, Yes I was knocked around and my skin met teeth every now and then but I had to keep going to save my home.

I swiftly plunged my sword into the hydras heart and watched as it burst into golden dust along with my sword, which would be back when I called, now all that was left of my miraculous fight was a hydras tooth. Shoving it in my pocket I quickly turned and made my way back to the border.


Grover hug me. He could tell I was mad but it didnt phase him. "(Y/n) im so glad ur ok...well I mean your alive anyway."

"I almost wasnt because of your stupidity! What idiot chops off hydra heads?" I yelled.

"Actually umm im sorry that was my fault" it was the other boy id never seen before.. he was my age maybe older and wow his eyes green almost like..

"Hey yo...(y/n)," Grover said waving a hand in front of your face. "Ik percy is new and all but dont scare the poor kid with the glare of yours."

"I wasnt glaring! I was...."


"What?! Grover no wat the he..."

"Hey guys im still here?" The boy said cutting off my yelling.

"Oh yes umm (y/n) so this is Percy Jackson, I picked him up in new york and Percy this is (y/n) (y/l) daughter of hell."

"Wow Grover really?....nice way to put it out there." I said rolling my eyes And reached out and shook Percys hand with a smile, something that was rare from me but I got a weird feeling shaking this boys hand.

"Welcome to camp half-blood, Percy."

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