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K E N N E D Y ' S P . O . V
(S E P T E M B E R 26)

As I walk passed by a few shops I finally spot Starbucks and because Anna is the only girl who is with her laptop 24/7 and has nerdy glasses as I walk towards them.

"Hey! Do you miss me?" I ask as Bella looks at me and answers sarcastically "no."

as I frown then I look at Anna who didn't even bother to look up as I mutter to Bella while she hands me my frappe "she's in her 'stalker mode' isn't she?" As she lifts her head up glaring at me "I heard that Holmes." as I chuckle sipping into my frappe "Sherlock!? Really I never thought so!" I exclaim faking

as I ask "what? Frappe did you get?" As Bella smiled "mocha. Like you wanted." as Anna giggled "yah. like you wanted." as I mentally face palmed myself then I asked her "what's yours?" As she looks down at hers chocolate why?" As I grab it sipping into the straw as she complains "Hey!" As I looked at her then she sighed and got mine instead

"What time are we supposed to be there?" Anna asked as I looked into my phone and answered "12:00"

then she looked at her watch then asked Bella "why did you have to wake us up so early?" As she said awkwardly "i wanted to be first in line...." then I laughed.

Then Anna asked "do you know Nutella Swan?" As I added chuckling "how bout Edward Culinary?" Then me and Bella laughed hysterically until Bella fell of her chair

as she groaned "ouch." as I smiled "I know"

as I get a call "Yes?........ Yah I know....... oaky...... I love you too.....kay.... bye."i said as I ended the call as Anna asked curiously "Boyfriend?" As I laughed out "nope."

then Bella asked "then what? Who?" As I answered "Ooh. my gay photographer" as they both nodded their heads in understand meant.

"Wow. good, from a scale of 1-20 how gay is he?" Bella asks "ugh..... 20" was my answer as Anna looked up "ooh gods." As I chuckled "yah. I know right.." trying to mock his accent but failed miserably as Bella asked like her whole world depended on it "is that really how he speaks?" As I nodded but then I ended up getting a brain freeze. after we had conversations about random things and when I meant random things I did mean it we didn't have a topic.

- a r r i v a l. A t O u r S c h o o l
S A M E. D A Y

"Darling?!" My mom whisper-says as I pull out my earphone from my ear motioning her to continue "we are here." she adds as 2 more cars stop as I pull myself out of the car as I go to the trunk pulling out my luggage as Anna asks me while pulling her things "Coach?" As I simply nod then Bella comes holding her laptop bag while dragging her luggage as she mouths 'rich kid' as I chuckle "yah. I wish" as Bella motions me to go first as she says "Ladies first" as I straighten my back then walk towards the castle like building as Anna asks her voice filled with amusement "Is this Hogwarts?" As I look at it then shrug "hopefully." as we enter its grounds

"Hello! May I help you greenies?" A boy asks scaring me half to death as I look at him "yah. we are new." I answer as he smirked then reaches out his hand "Thomas." as I grab it shaking it "Kennedy M. Holmes or Kenny" then I moved to the side so Bella and Anna could introduce themselves "Arabella E. Dawson or Bella" then Anna smiled "Adrianna D. Wilson or Anna" as they shook his hand after a few moments another boy in and smiled "Hey, I'm Connor Stroll." then I asked "Kennedy. Do you have a brother?" As he nods shaking my hand/wrist "yah. Travis Stroll he has a soon-to-be girlfriend Katie Gardener...." as I nodded then Bella smiled and stretched her hand "Bella. You from Camp Half-Blood?" As he nodded then corrected "was. after we went here." Then when he looked at Anna he ended up staring as she stretched out her hand "I'm Anna. So demigods and gods are true?" As he nodded then pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it as he looked up and said "If I were Burger King and you were McDonald's, if I would have my way and you'll be lovin' it" as she chuckled "good try Connor but I'm not a fan of junk" as he frowned then he looked up "okay let us go" he ordered as he pointed forward "let us go south!" As I laughed "Connor that's um....north" as me, Bella and Anna laughed as he slightly blushed "yah. I knew that." as Thomas laughed "okay let's go."

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