Under Rule

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Vulioth stood atop a set of steps, hands tucked neatly behind her back. She closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. The familiar sent of smoke and burning flesh graced her senses, comforting her. She opened her eyes and focused her vision. In front of her stood a daedric legion; every last one was armed to the nines. Daedric crafted armor covered their black and red bodies, menacing weapons were strapped strategically on them.
Her own armor was similar, it was of a finer craft. It cast a red glow onto her war axe, stronger then the glow of the eternal fires. She donned a crest on her chest plate, the crest of the Daedric Prince of Destruction. She didn't need a weapon to be menacing, the symbol was all she really needed, although the the axe did help.
An imp ran out of the castle doors, signaling the arrival of their leader.
The legion fell to one knee, heads bowed in respect. The clatter of armor was an orchestra to her, all of it moving the same way and making the same noise in sync. Beautiful. To top it off, one set of armor clad feet walked out of the castle doors.
"Lord Dagon, the pleasure is mine." She droned.
Mehrunes Dagon, Daedric Prince of Destruction, of Change, Revolution, Energy and Ambition. He had taken his humanoid form, a tall man with red skin and four arms. He wasn't as tall as he was on Nirn, he averaged out at around eight feet tall. His horns were polished to a shine and his lower canines protruded in a beast like manner.
"For centuries, I have tried to reclaim Nirn," he started, " My attack on the capital city of Mournhold was trumped by the scum known as Almalexia and Sotha Sil. I destroyed their city, ate their people, but they still managed to defeat me. Why is that? Was I not sufficient? Was I weak, commander?"
"No, my lord."
"I thought about it, it must be my fighting force." He glared at the whole legion, "My army was weak. Or they didn't want me to reclaim what's rightfully mine."
The tension in the air was thick, you could almost cut it and spread it on a cooked stink pod.
"You have no right to Nirn!" A voice in the back yelled.
Everyone's eyes snapped to the source, whoever it was just sealed their fate.
"Pardon?" Dagon hissed.
"You have no right to Tamriel. To Nirn, to nothing!" The army began to part as something started to walk through them. The being was short and couldn't be seen above the heads of the Daedra, "Tamriel belongs to the people that live there! The Nords, the Imperials, Redguards, Elves, Beast-People, Orcs! But not you. Tamriel with never belong to a Daedra."
"Is that so?" Lord Dagon began to descend from the top of the stairs, " You speak largely for someone who can't even see over my army." The Daedra laughed slightly, this only fueled Dagon.
"I don't need to be tall to see your treachery," a child broke through the front row and glared the prince down. Her eyes were a light red, her skin was almost translucent she was so pale, her white hair was tied into a high-horse-tail.
"I suppose a child like yourself will stop me?" Dagon laughed, " Step down, Vampire, or face my wrath."
"I would rather die then live under your rule. I was damned to Oblivion the second I was infected; it's hellish enough to think that my own family sent my soul here, let alone knowing I'm in the kingdom of Mehrunes Dagon." She stood absolutely still as the prince sauntered up to her. He crouched down to look her in the eyes, meeting her hateful stare.
"You are nothing more then a speck of dust on my throne," he growled, " you only succeed in annoying me in the slightest."
She smirked and spat in his face, "Then may the dust collect and weigh you down!"
He roared and flinched back as the gob hit his cheek. No one ever disrespected him like that and expected to live to see another day. Dagon growled and grabbed her with his lower set of arms and stood up, lifting her with ease. He walked back to the top of the stairs, ignoring her desperate attempts to break free.
"The Knights of White Sparrow will be your downfall!" She screamed up at him.
"Very well," he turned to face the army, "May all the Knights of White Sparrow take this as a warning, your only warning. I will not be brought down." With that he grabbed the girls head with one of his massive hands and jerked it to the right. A disgusting snap rang out over the army. Dagon dropped her lifeless body to the ground and walked back into his castle.
The legion slowly dispersed and went to their barracks, leaving Vulioth alone with the body of the girl. She walked over and looked down at the pale body, kneeling down and inspecting it.
"Please." A voice rang from behind her.
She spun around and looked at the new voice. A tall Xivilai was looking down at her, his eyes pleading. She backed away and watched him. This was a higher power Daedra, someone she didn't want to get into a skirmish with.
He slowly walked forward and picked up the limp body, looking at her delicate face as her head fell against his chest. He bent down and kissed the girls forehead.
"What's your name?" Vulioth whispered.
"Like I would tell you, Commander. You would have me arrested before I could say scamp."
She gulped hard and watched as he carried the girls body away from the castle and down one of the roads. She didn't follow. She would let him mourn in peace.
"Vulioth!" A voice rang from around her, it sounded sick with worry. "Wake up!"
She stood up straight and looked around, there was no one around her. All that was there were the tall towers of the castle and burning pits.
"Vulioth! Dammit, wake up." She was suddenly cold, the shock of the feeling knocked her back.
She sat up and looked around, noting the stench of sewer water and the fact that she was now soaked.
"Oh, thank the nines." Roven breathed out, "I was sure I had lost you."
She looked down at herself; her tunic had a mucky green hue, but other then that she was still the same. Same hair, same eyes, same skin. They belonged to that little girl; but at the moment, they were hers. She was awake, cold and wet, weak, and struggling to sit up.
But at least she wasn't in Oblivion.
Author's Notes
I went through and double spaced everything, it looks a bit cleaner this way. I finally found out how to incorporate her history, and this is only the first bit! It was hard to start and even harder to finish, but I got it done. So yeah, I hope you all are enjoying this so far! Now I'm gonna go and eat some left over Chinese food so -wave wave- have a nice day guys!

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